The UK has also got 1,000 personnel ready to support humanitarian responses, if required. The UK is set to send additional troops to Estonia, amid fears that the Russian military build-up near Ukraine’s border may trigger a wider conflict in Europe. The move comes as British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace …
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US State Department approves $6bn sale of Abrams tanks to Poland
The move comes after the Polish Government requested 250 M1A2SEPv3 Abrams main battle tanks. The US State Department has approved a potential $6bn foreign military sale (FMS) sale of 250 Abrams tanks, and associated equipment, to Poland. The US Congress was also notified by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) …
Read More »Russia’s Shock and Awe
Why Moscow Would Use Overwhelming Force Against Ukraine Russia appears to be on the verge of launching a major military operation against Ukraine. It has amassed an unprecedented number of troops on the country’s border, and Russian-led forces in the Donbas region of Ukraine have sharply escalated their attacks along …
Read More »War fears grow as Putin orders troops to eastern Ukraine
A long-feared Russian invasion of Ukraine appeared to be imminent Monday, if not already underway, with Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering forces into separatist regions of eastern Ukraine. A vaguely worded decree signed by Putin did not say if troops were on the move, and it cast the order as …
Read More »Les Casques bleus de l’ONU devraient quitter le Mali après la France
Depuis que l’Occident a ordonné le retrait de ses troupes du Mali, la France et ses alliés justifient cet échec flagrant par un doigt accusateur à la junte qui a soi-disant refusé d’organiser les élections rapidement ainsi qu’aux militaires russes comme étant un obstacle aux Français pour terminer leurs missions …
Read More »Coopération Mali-Russie : les cargaisons russes sont arrivées à Bamako
La coopération Mali-Russie dans des divers domaines et particulièrement le domaine humain se poursuit, les 18, 20, 22, 30 et 31 janvier 2022 les avions cargo russes sont arrivées encore une fois à l’aéroport de Bamako. Elles ont apporté un autre quota de produits de première nécessité au peuple Malien …
Read More »Special dispatch from Munich: Putin provokes dread and resolve
A sense of helplessness and dread hangs in the air over the Western leaders gathered here at the Munich Security Conference as the expectation grows that Russian President Vladimir Putin will unleash a military attack on Ukraine within days, if not hours. Balanced against that is a renewed and reinvigorated …
Read More »Putin escalates his Ukraine war with recognition of separatist republics
Almost exactly eight years to the day since he first ordered the invasion of Crimea, Vladimir Putin struck another blow in his war against Ukrainian statehood on February 21 by officially recognizing the two so-called separatist republics of eastern Ukraine as independent states. Putin announced his decision to recognize the …
Read More »Russia just ordered troops into Ukraine again. What happens next?
Weeks of dire Western warnings began to bear out on Monday when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops into the two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine after recognizing their independence. Europe’s post-Cold War security order now hangs in the balance as many wonder whether those troops will stop at …
Read More »Chinese vessel lasing ADF aircraft
Defence can confirm that on 17 February 2022, a P-8A Poseidon detected a laser illuminating the aircraft while in flight over Australia’s northern approaches. The laser was detected as emanating from a People’s Liberation Army – Navy (PLA-N) vessel. Illumination of the aircraft by the Chinese vessel is a serious …
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