The Polish government is hardly an appealing champion for the cause, but its critique of the extension of EU law is a sound one In a parallel universe, the UK would never have left the EU and would instead have adopted the strategy now being tried by Poland. A couple …
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Entre la Pologne et l’Union européenne, le contresens du « Polexit »
La Pologne ne veut pas quitter l’UE, elle veut en changer les règles, c’est la grande différence avec le Brexit. Mais le rapport de force n’est pas, cette fois, favorable à Varsovie. Il y a un énorme paradoxe dans la crise avec la Pologne qui s’est invitée hier à la …
Read More »2023’ü beklemeyecekler. Siyaset dışı saldırı gelecek. -Tehlikeli bir hazırlık var. Türkiye’nin sinir sistemi, genetiği, haritası hedef.
Özellikle son birkaç haftadır çok garip, çok tuhaf gelişmeler yaşanıyor. İçeriden-dışarıdan dört koldan bir saldırıplanı uygulanıyor. Korkunç yıpratıcı, intikamcı bir organize saldırının ivmesi sistematik biçimde tırmandırılıyor. Siyasi teamüllerin, arayışların, rekabetin, seçim hazırlıklarının, siyasi kültürün çok dışında, geniş bir çerçevede yürütülen “organize” bir çalışma bu.Siyasi terör süreci başlatıldı. Türkiye’nin temeline ateş …
Read More »Büyük kumar: On büyükelçi
“Kendi özel iradelerini değil, temsil ettikleri ülkelerin iradesini yansıtıyor. O ülke hükümetleri onaylıyor, hatta belki de, öneriyor. Dolayısıyla, o büyükelçileri istenmeyen adam ilan etmek, aynı zamanda o ülkelerle bağı koparmak anlamını taşıyor”. Erdoğan, siyasal hayatının en büyük kumarını oynuyor. Aynı kentte, aynı gün, üç ayrı yerde üç konuşma. Önce Millet …
Read More »Ex-Saudi official claims damaging intel against crown prince
A former senior Saudi security official who helped oversee joint counter-terrorism efforts with the United States claimed in an interview with “60 Minutes” that the kingdom’s crown prince once spoke of killing a sitting Saudi monarch before his own father was crowned king. Saad al-Jabri did not provide evidence to …
Read More »An independent Kurdistan is the best bet to contain ISIS
While concerns of a terrorist resurgence in Afghanistan are front and center, we need to remember that there are thousands of ISIS fighters waging a low-level insurgency in Iraq and Syria. Containing that threat is critical, and doing so over the long term requires an international relations moonshot: creating an …
Read More »Ankara-backed Syrian forces ‘fully prepared’ for Turkish operation
Turkey has threatened to launch a military operation against the SDF in the wake of attacks carried out by the latter in north Syria. Turkey has threatened to launch a military operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which has recently stepped up its attacks in the areas controlled …
Read More »Iran’s new brigade infiltrates tribes in east Syria
Iran is working on controlling and infiltrating the Syrian community by supporting local leaders affiliated with it, forming tribal councils and appointing new sheikhs from small clans and families to spread Shiism in its areas of control in east Syria. Since the beginning of 2021, Iran has begun working on …
Read More »US Says Drone Airstrike Kills Senior Al-Qaeda Leader In Syria
A US airstrike in northwest Syria on Saturday killed senior al-Qaeda leader Abdul Hamid al-Matar, according to a United States Central Command (CENTCOM) press release. “We have no indications of civilian casualties as a result of the strike, which was conducted using an MQ-9 aircraft,” U.S. Army Maj. John Rigsbee, …
Read More »Iraqi Elections Signal Stronger Ankara-Baghdad Ties – OpEd
Iraqis went to the polls on Oct. 10 to elect the 329 members of a new parliament, in what is considered one of the most crucial elections since the US-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003. Iraq historically has been the focal point of Turkey’s regional politics due …
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