Proponents of a U.S. grand strategy of “restraint” are perhaps most well-known for advocating the end of America’s “forever wars” and reducing the country’s military footprint in the Middle East and Afghanistan. But the so-called restrainers have also questioned the rationale for maintaining the United States’ extensive networks of alliances …
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Biden Is Doubling Down on a Failed U.S. Approach in West Africa
U.S. President Joe Biden campaigned for the 2020 Democratic nomination promising not only to restore the defense of human rights and democracy to a central position in U.S. foreign policy, but also to “build back better” in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. But for Africa’s 54 countries and 1.4 …
Read More »Get the U.S. Military Out of the Counterterrorism and Nation-Building Business
Have know-nothing civilian bureaucrats, lily-livered humanitarian do-gooders and misguided academics tied the military’s hands with increasingly restrictive norms that don’t correspond to the laws of war, let alone the rigors of battle and requirements of victory? That’s the premise of a new article in Military Review by Army Lt. Gen. …
Read More »The U.S. Doesn’t Have to Choose Between Counterterrorism and Great Power Competition
In an address to the nation in early July, President Joe Biden suggested that one of the factors leading him to withdraw all remaining U.S. troops from Afghanistan was the “need to focus on shoring up America’s core strengths to meet the strategic competition with China and other nations that …
Read More »Blocage de l’avion malien de transport des troupes par les américains : Les USA sont-ils devenus les nouveaux parrains des terroristes au Sahel ?
C’est au moment où le monde entier se mobilise pour être au chevet du Mali et des pays du sahel afin de lutter contre le terrorisme que les américains mettent du bâton dans la roue de l’armée malienne en l’empêchant d’avoir des équipements afin de renforcer sa capacité opérationnelle. Ils …
Read More »Guerre dans le monde : L’ONU, un machin génocidaire
L’organisation internationale l’ONU a été constituée, en 1945 pour succéder à la Société des Nations (SDN) par les États qui ont accepté de remplir les obligations prévues par la Charte des Nations unies signée, le 26 juin à Sanfrancisco, en 1945, en vue de sauvegarder la paix et la sécurité …
Read More »Turkey’s blind eye to jihadis worsens its predicaments in Syria
Turkey is seeking to downplay the jihadi threat that its troops face in Idlib, the last Islamist stronghold in Syria, opting to turn the spotlight to the Kurds instead. After losing three soldiers in a bomb attack in Idlib, the last bastion of Islamist rebels in Syria, Turkey pounded Syrian …
Read More »Turkey faces gathering storm in Syria
Erdogan’s choices limited as Russian-backed Syrian forces increase attacks, weigh final assault on Idlib Erdogan’s Syrian predicament Three Turkish soldiers were killed Sept. 11 in a bomb attack in Idlib, the last stronghold of Turkish-backed and Islamist opposition in northwest Syria — and Turkey responded by hitting US-backed Kurdish groups …
Read More »Turkey’s latest attack on PKK militant in Iraqi Kurdistan meant as show of strength
In recent months, Turkish drones have picked off a string of mid-level commanders in Iraqi Kurdistan and northeast Syria. Turkey’s latest hit job on Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operatives in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region marks a troubling turn for the militant group, as it continues to bleed fighters in the …
Read More »Are Syrian jihadis ready to take the fight to Afghanistan?
Afghanistan revives terror challenges for Washington; Russia anticipates security vacuum; Erdogan senses an opportunity. Afghanistan: Islamic State appeals to “educated extremists” The Biden administration has vowed retaliation against the Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K) for the Aug. 26 attack on the Kabul airport thath killed 13 US armed service members and …
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