On 15 August, the Taliban capped their drive for power in Afghanistan by taking Kabul, the country’s capital, for the first time since they ruled most of the country from 1996 to 2001. With the previous government’s collapse, the group is now the de facto power throughout the country and …
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Talibans VS Daesh: la nouvelle guerre (cartes)
La cartographie des actions terroristes en Afghanistan apporte une première explication à la prise rapide de Kaboul le 15 août 2021. Celle-ci montre la très forte augmentation des actions terroristes et de guérillas à partir de 2012, la localisation des attaques et la concurrence entre les talibans et l’État islamique. …
Read More »Taliban Takeover Is Bad News For China – Analysis
The withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan has prompted much breathless commentary, including on the implications for China’s role in the region. But despite predictions of sweeping geopolitical gains, China will be observing the Taliban takeover with significant concern. One narrative suggests that US withdrawal from Afghanistan will enable …
Read More »Afghanistan: China’s Reaction To US Military Withdrawal – Analysis
US President Joe Biden has made a strategic decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, after twenty years of military presence under the pretext of eliminating terrorism and spreading democracy. Twenty years later, the Taliban has become more powerful and influential and has seized all the joints of the state …
Read More »Afghanistan’s Economic Uncertainty: Will China Fill The Gap? – Analysis
Since the takeover of Afghanistan, there is a growing concern most importantly about the fragile Afghan economy. It’s a fact that the United States of America has been providing huge economic assistance for Afghanistan for the past 20 years and all this is possibly coming to an end with the …
Read More »Afghan Fiasco To Have Repercussions In Iraq And Beyond – OpEd
In a recent speech, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah described US President Joe Biden’s decision to pull troops out of Afghanistan as an American defeat. “All eyes have turned toward the US occupations in Iraq and Syria,” he added. America’s military indecisiveness in Syria, mismanagement in Iraq and its many recurrent …
Read More »Peligro de desbandada en Kabul
La comunidad internacional debería intentar mantener un pasillo humanitario abierto incluso si EEUU se desentiende a partir del 31 de agosto La comunidad internacional debería intentar mantener un pasillo humanitario abierto incluso si EEUU se desentiende a partir del 31 de agosto El derrumbamiento súbito del régimen afgano ante el …
Read More »US troop death toll now at 13, with 18 wounded, in HKIA attack: CENTCOM
The number of U.S. service members killed in a series of attacks outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Thursday is now 13, with another 18 wounded, according to a spokesman for U.S. Central Command. The casualty toll increased after the head of CENTCOM held a Pentagon briefing …
Read More »The Pakistani angle on the Taliban victory
Islamabad’s support for the terrorists played a crucial, largely ignored, role in recent events. The collapse of the Kabul government and the Taliban’s rapid takeover of nearly all Afghanistan has captured the attention of the world. It has led to widespread discussion of US imperial retreat, the implications for the …
Read More »Withdrawal can’t sweep away terrorists or their ambitions
The 24/7 coverage of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has neglected to focus on four key points that will have lasting consequences and need to be addressed. The 24/7 coverage of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has neglected to focus on four key points that will have lasting consequences and need to …
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