
Iranian naval chief lays out warning to ‘destabilizing forces’ – IRNA

The commander went on to further boast about the cooperation between the army, navy and the IRGC, claiming that it stands to deter any “destabilizing measures by interventionist forces,” IRNA stated. The Iranian naval chief has promised to respond to any form of aggression from Iran’s “foes” with a “crushing” …

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India: External Risks In Manipur – Analysis

On March 2, 2021, the United National Liberation Front (UNLF) ‘executed’ a Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) militant, Thokchom Nando Singh, at an undisclosed location for “raping and murdering”, Lungnila Elizabeth (8), in 2003. Elizabeth, the daughter of Francis Ngajokpa, the then Minister for Taxation and General Administration, was abducted by …

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Germany’s Spy Chiefs Urge Court To Agree On Monitoring Of Far-Right AfD Opposition Party

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency says there’s sufficient evidence to warrant labeling the country’s main opposition party, the populist far-right Alternative for Germany, AfD, as “anti-constitutional” and an organization hostile to democracy. With nationwide elections just half a year away, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) wants …

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Iraq: Turkey Set to Attack the Yazidis?

If Turkey targets Sinjar, it will not be the first Turkish military assault against the region. In 2017, Turkish warplanes dropped bombs on Sinjar, hitting a civilian clinic. “‘[A]nalysts should understand that the fundamental reason that Yezidis join military units is to defend the land from a genocidal invasion…. no …

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Dragon Ships: China’s Naval Threat

China’s navy is now the world’s largest. It has been for some time. The U.S. Navy may still rule the oceans, but the Chinese rule the vital trade routes in the South China Sea. China means to threaten the economic security of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and …

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L’islamo-gauchisme ou les liens de sang entre l’islamisme et le communisme

Le concept d’islamo-gauchisme provoque chez certains journalistes et commentateurs une défiance immédiate et des critiques virulentes. Le lien entre les deux idéologies-religions n’est pourtant pas nouveau, ils ont des racines communes. Les similitudes entre le communisme et l’islamisme en sont la preuve, dans le dogme et le mode de fonctionnement …

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CNRS: les preuves de l’infiltration islamo-gauchiste s’accumulent

Le prestigieux CNRS est-il une conquête de l’extrême-gauche? Depuis les propos fracassants de Frédérique Vidal, politiques, presse et scientifiques s’écharpent sur la question. Les Français, dans leur grande majorité et à juste titre, sont attachés à l’excellence de la recherche scientifique française. Attachement qui ne doit rien au hasard, tant …

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Biden sends B-52 heavy bomber over Persian Gulf in signal to Iran

In seventh mission into CENTCOM’s area of operation in the last four months Israeli Air Force F-15s accompany B-52 heavy bomber over Israel. In a clear signal to Iran, a United States Air Force B-52H “Stratofortress” bomber flew over the Persian Gulf, before the plane was spotted in Israeli airspace …

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4th Division Withdraws from Yarmouk Camp

An elite regime fighting force has retreated from Yarmouk Palestinian camp south of Damascus, writes Sowt Al-Asima. Two days ago, the government’s 4th Division withdrew the last group of its fighters stationed in the areas of Yarmouk Camp and Al-Hajar al-Aswad, south of the capital, Damascus. Sawt Al-Asima sources said …

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