
Militants Are Preparing Provocations With Poisonous Substances in Idlib, Russian Military Says

Previously, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations pointed out that while almost every month Syria provides information about terrorists planning chemical weapons provocations, such data is not reflected in the OPCW documentation. Militants in Syria are planning to stage a chemical attack to blame the country’s authorities, Rear Adm. …

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Syrian army eliminates Daesh terrorists in the desert

The Syrian army today shot down a group from the Islamic State terrorist organization (Daesh, in Arabic) in the desert of the central province of Homs. The operation was carried out with the support of Russian aerospace forces, whose reconnaissance planes detected a hideout where four terrorists were sheltering and …

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Ambassador: Iran ready to help Nigeria to defeat Terrorism, the way Qassem Soleimani defeated ISIS

Excerpts of the interview, Abuja-based Diplomacy Monitor, one of the titles of Education Monitor Newspaper, conducted with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria, His Excellency, Mohammad Alibak, on the One year anniversary of the Assassination of Iranian General, Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in cold blood …

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Analysis: How significant is Ma’rib liberation in Yemen conflict?

Yemen’s Ma’rib province in the past few days has become the central focus of the six-year war. As the Yemeni army and popular committees already consolidated their positions by winning more than a battle against the Saudi and resigned President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi’s loyalists and mercenaries, Ansarullah Movement is making …

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Hezbollah to stand by Iran to confront US: official

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General said that Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement will stand by the Islamic Republic of Iran to confront the United States. Speaking in an Arab-Islamic conference entitled “Alliance against Normalization of Ties with the Zionist Regime” on Sat., Sheikh Naim Qassem emphasized that Lebanon’s Hezbollah will stand by Iran …

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US base in northern Iraq targeted with several rockets

Several rockets have hit a US military base in Iraq’s northern province of Salahuddin. Three suspected Katyusha rockets slammed the Iraqi airbase of Balad, which is currently home to US forces, in the southern parts of Salahuddin and north of the capital Baghdad on Saturday evening, the al-Mayadeen television news …

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Thales to provide new-generation sonar suite for French Navy’s nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs)

Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly on Friday 19 February announced the launch of the full-scale development phase of the SNLE 3G programme to build France’s third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs). As part of the SNLE 3G programme, the French defence procurement agency (DGA) has signed an MoU with …

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Why Concepts of Earth Without Borders and One World Have A New and Wider Relevance Now

The beautiful phrase ‘Earth Without Borders’ has been used in more than one contexts from time to time. This is often used to convey the idea that those who work with a spirit of serving humanity should not be confined merely to serving their own country. This may be particularly …

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Americans Murdering People & Dear Children In the Middle East and Africa Hasn’t Mattered – Not Yet!

The issue of deadly racism in the USA has been brought to the attention of all Americans by the persistent efforts of impassioned activists, especially by carrying placards with photographs of African-American victims of deadly police actions. Article suggests how the greater toll of darker skinned people murdered by Americans …

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Ecocide is the destruction of large areas of the natural environment as a consequence of human activity. That destruction of “large areas” has grown so conspicuously large, so threatening to all species, including human existence, that a group of international legal experts is working to submit a draft of a …

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