
U.S. Internationalizes Iran’s Unrest

The ongoing unrest in Iran since mid-September following the death of a Kurdish woman in police custody shows no signs of abating as of now. The unrest has drawn support from all social strata and assumed anti-government overtones. The efficacy of suppressing the unrest is doubtful. Iran is entering a …

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No Peace on Putin’s Terms

Why Russia Must Be Pushed Out of Ukraine Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has never been solely about Ukraine. It is also about the international rules-based order and the security architecture of Europe. In December 2021, the Kremlin gave NATO and the European Union an ultimatum: end NATO’s open-door …

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The Global Zeitenwende

How to Avoid a New Cold War in a Multipolar Era The world is facing a Zeitenwende: an epochal tectonic shift. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has put an end to an era. New powers have emerged or reemerged, including an economically strong and politically assertive China. In this …

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Karners Schengen-“Njet”

Das Europa der unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten ist zu einem Europa der unübersichtlichen Geschwindigkeiten geworden: Eigentlich sollten alle EU-Länder im Laufe der Zeit den Euro als Währung nutzen, doch acht Staaten sind nicht dabei: Finnland, Dänemark, Tschechien, Polen, Ungarn, Bulgarien, Rumänien und Kroatien, wobei Kroatien ab 1. Jänner 2023 Teil der Eurozone …

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Turkey asks Finland to resume defense sales amid NATO talks

Speaking ahead of the Finnish defense chief’s visit to Turkey, the top Turkish diplomat has complained that his country is still under de facto defense sales restrictions from Finland. Finland has yet to lift arms embargoes against Turkey, a pledge that both Stochkholm and Helsinki made under a deal paving …

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Row over militarization of Greek islands peaks with Turkish warning

Mevlut Cavusoglu has stepped up rhetoric over Aegean islands that Ankara says should be free of Greek arms. Turkey’s feud with neighbor and fellow NATO member Greece resurfaced Tuesday as Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu threatened to “do whatever is necessary” unless Athens reverses the militarization of its islands off the …

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Last Attempt of SDF: Russian Forces Commander in Syria Arrives in Qamishli

This is the second such visit in the past ten days, according to Athr Press. At a time when Moscow is again trying to negotiate with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to reach an understanding that saves its areas from any Turkish military action in northern Syria, the commander of …

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Türkiye Won’t Seek Permission for Syria Operations: Kalın

Türkiye only coordinates with its allies, Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalın said on Sunday, according to the Daily Sabah. Türkiye does not seek permission for its security operations in Syria, and it only coordinates with its allies, Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalın said on Sunday. “We won’t seek anyone’s consent when faced …

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Negotiations Between SDF & Regime Fail; Latter Refuses to Recognize Autonomous Administration

The regime is only willing to recognize some of the cultural rights of Kurds in Syria, according to Shaam Network. On Monday, Kurdish sources reported the Assad regime’s refusal to recognize the Autonomous Administration during meetings in Damascus between the two parties under Russian auspices. The sources said that the …

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Youssef Al-Qaradawi’s Successor Ali Al-Qaradaghi Shares Mentor’s Hardline Views And Positions On West, Christianity, And Jihad, Actively Promotes Muslim Brotherhood Ideology To Millions Of People On Multiple Platforms

Though it is expected for students to follow in the footsteps of their mentors, the relationship between the late spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Youssef Al-Qaradawi and his longtime deputy, the secretary-general of the Qatar-based and funded International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) Ali Al-Qaradaghi seems almost like an …

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