Ukraine is understandably focused on maintaining Western support, but it needs a narrative that appeals to others – those who can otherwise easily dismiss the conflict as a ‘Western war’. While it has a pretty compelling pitch, so far Kyiv has not managed to cut through at the political level …
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BANUK: Dodikova secesionistička politika, njene posljedice i kako je zaustaviti
Bosanska akademija nauka i umjetnosti “Kulin ban“ danas je u hotelu Evropa organizirala akademski diskurs… na temu: „Dodikova secesionistička politika, njene posljedice i kako je zaustaviti“. Moderator je bio akademik prof.dr. Muriz Spahić koji je ukazao da je jedan od ciljeva Akademije pored standardnog bavljenja naukom i umjetnošću poput svih …
Read More »‘Let’s Make A Deal’? Ukraine And The Poor Prospects For Negotiations With Putin – Analysis
What would Monty Hall say about the odds of a peace deal in Ukraine? I am probably dating myself in this reference to a popular TV show from the 1960s. Hall was the show’s host which was based on colorfully dressed contestants being asked to select between different options. The selected …
Read More »What US’ New Defense Budget Means For The Middle East – OpEd
A week after Congress passed the US defense budget for the fiscal year 2023, President Joe Biden last month signed the budget — which amounted to $858 billion, exceeding his proposal by $45 billion — into law. It offers vital benefits, such as enhancing access to justice for military personnel …
Read More »Kosovo: Implementation Of Brussels-Washington Agreements And Path To Enduring Peace, Long-Term Stability – Analysis
The latest developments at the north of Kosovo are reminiscent of the events from the nineties of the past century and threaten to escalate into conflict. Over the past several years there was a noticeable absence of EU- mediated dialogue between official Belgrade and Pristina. The responsibility does not rest …
Read More »How To Counter Tehran’s Economic Strategy – Analysis
Tehran is stringing out the nuclear negotiations endlessly with the expectation that President Joe Biden will not admit that the talks have failed. After such an admission, the public would likely pressure the administration to stop offering Iran stealth economic relief through the lax enforcement of sanctions. Rigorous enforcement would, …
Read More »Why Are Politicians Ignoring The Elderly? – OpEd
Everyone knows that seniors turn out to vote at a higher rate than any other age group. In 2020, three-fourths of the people over the age of 65 voted, while the voting booths attracted barely half of those aged 18 to 24. Yet in the last election you would be hard-pressed to …
Read More »Could Chechnya’s ‘Dark Horse’ Emerge As Kremlin King-Maker? – Analysis
Over the past few months, Russia watchers have been sounding the alarm about the domestic ramifications of Moscow’s faltering campaign in Ukraine, which appears to have blossomed into a dense nightmare of unintended consequences. The rise of a new and still rare breed of Russian political actors who espouse hard-line …
Read More »Absent War Crime Suspects Pose Problem for Bosnia’s New Prosecutor
In 2022, the Bosnian prosecution charged 60 people with war crimes, although ten of them are outside the country so can’t be brought to trial – a problem that the new chief prosecutor has promised to tackle.The Bosnian state prosecution filed 19 indictments in 2022, charging 60 people with war …
Read More »Why Sanctions On Russian Oil Will Be A Boon To India, But Could Trigger Volatility Globally – Analysis
Concerns have been looming large on the sanctions on Russian oil, which is heading for another major oil shock in the world. Russia is the second biggest exporter of oil in the world, and the EU is the biggest importer of oil from Russia. The EU has prohibited maritime exports of Russian oil and levied price …
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