
Russia signs Georgia ceasefire deal

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has signed the ceasefire agreement faxed to him by US diplomats, formally ending hostilities with Georgia. Georgia’s President Mikheil Saakashvili put pen to paper yesterday on the deal, which had already been signed by separatist leaders in the breakaway Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

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The weekend begins with Russian armour establishing facts on the ground in South Ossetia.

The occupation of Georgian territory and the methods used have brought some of the fiercest words from the USA in two decades. In an apparent violation of the ceasefire deal the Russian army is extending the zone it controls, and while US foreign minister Condoleezza Rice has recieved faithful assurances …

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Russian troops show no signs of moving

Russian tanks remain parked deep inside Georgia this morning, and there are reports of two more towns being brought under military control. An armoured column has been seen just 45 kilometres from the capital, shadowed by three helicopter gunships. Other Russian forces are on the move in Georgia well outside …

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Poland in eye of missile storm

As international tension rises, parades marking Army Day in Poland have been held against a backdrop of Russian rage. Moscow is furious that Warsaw has agreed to host elements of a US global anti-missile system. By doing so, a senior Russian general was quoted as saying that Poland was making …

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