
Oltchim vrea sa vanda un teren de 83.000 de metri patrati

Conducerea Oltchim a propus acÅ£ionarilor vânzarea a cinci terenuri aflate în proprietatea Oltchim. Cea mai mare suprafaţă are 45.000 de metri pătraÅ£i, o alta se întinde pe 28.000 de metrii pătraÅ£i, un alt teren are 3.800 mp ÅŸi este amplasat pe o baza de agrement ce se află în proprietatea …

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Comisia Europeana vrea sa majoreze accizele la alcool

Băuturile alcoolice, inclusiv berea ÅŸi vinul, s-ar putea scumpi. Modificările de preÅ£ vin ca urmare a alinierii accizelor în toate statele membre ale Uniunii Europene. Comisia Europeană a propus creÅŸterea limitei minime de accizare cu 31%, procent care reprezintă rata inflaÅ£iei din perioada 1992 – 2005. România a respins proiectul …

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Ultimul membru al grupului Ilaşcu, Tudor Petrov Popa, a fost eliberat astăzi

Tudor Petrov Popa, ultimul dintre cei patru membri ai grupului Ilaşcu arestaţi în timpul conflictului armat de pe Nistru şi condamnaţi de către Curtea Supremă a autoproclamatei Republici Transnistrene la 15 ani de închisoare, a fost eliberat astăzi, în jurul orelor 10.

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ابنة بوش تصدر كتابها الجديد

تنجز هذا الأسبوع جنّا بوش ابنة الرئيس الأمريكي تحولها من فتاة تهوى السهر والحفلات إلى ناشطة عالمية بعد أن تبدأ حملتها الدعائية لكتابها الجديد “ANA’S STORY: A JOURNEY OF HOPE“. فقد ذكرت صحيفة واشنطن بوست أنه في نهاية الأسبوع الجاري ستلقي جنّا بوش في معرض مدينة نيويورك للكتاب مع ممثلي …

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مداخلة لاحمد جابر على محطة الراليتياتيه

في مداخلة للزميل أحمد جابر على قناة الراليتاتي ته فه تم سؤاله عن رأيه في القصف للقاعدة الرومانية في العراق ؟

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Bulgarian prime minister accepts resignations of economy and justice ministers

SOFIA, Bulgaria — Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev said Saturday (June 2nd) that he has accepted the resignations of Economy and Energy Minister Rumen Ovcharov and Justice Minister Georgi Petkanov, due to an ongoing corruption scandal. Ovcharov is a member of the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), while Petkanov belongs …

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US Defence Secretary cautions Turkey against operation in Northern Iraq

SINGAPORE — US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Sunday (June 3rd) warned Turkey to refrain from any unilateral incursion into northern Iraq. Speaking at the sidelines of an Asian security conference in Singapore, he said the US administration understands Ankara’s concerns, but believes negotiation is the best way to address …

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EC to resume SAA talks with Serbia

HELSINKI, Finland — The European Commission (EC) will resume Stabilisation and Association Agreement negotiations with Serbia, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn told Serbian President Boris Tadic in Helsinki on Saturday (June 2nd).

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