
Israel detains Palestinian parliament secretary

Soldiers open fire at taxi, kill 1, injure 3 outside Nablus RAMALLAH — One Palestinian was killed and three others were wounded near an Israeli military checkpoint outside Nablus early Sunday when Israeli soldiers opened fire at a taxi.

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Iran says will offer ‘multifaceted response’ to West, rejects suspension of uranium enrichment

TEHRAN (AP) — Iran braced for more confrontation with the West on Sunday as the foreign ministry said it wouldn’t even consider abiding by a UN resolution that calls for a freeze of uranium enrichment and the army tested a new missile during large military manoeuvres.

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Anger, grief as Hizbollah town buries dead

DEIR QUANUN AN-NAHR, Lebanon — The low murmur began as the coffins were taken from waiting vans and hoisted onto the shoulders of dozens of young men. By the time the nine corpses were carried half a kilometre to the cemetery in this southern Lebanese town, it had reached a …

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