
FM Calls for Formation of Fact Finding Commission to Verify Israelis’ Crimes

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian Foreign Minister said as the Zionist regime is completely alien to the UN resolution and other international norms, conscientious people of the world expect an international fact-finding commission to be established to take those responsible for these crimes to an international tribunal.

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Haddad Adel Underlines Release of his Palestinian Counterpart

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Ali Haddad Adel called on the unions of Muslim and Arab Parliaments and all his colleagues worldwide to make every effort to set Palestinian Parliament Speaker free. In a message released on Sunday afternoon,

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All Muslim countries will have Islamic gov’ts

Pakistan‘s former army chief predicts all Muslim countries will have Islamic gov’ts   Pakistan’s former chief of army staff, (Ret’d) Gen Aslam Beg, has predicted that pure Islamic governments would emerge in almost all Islamic countries, including Pakistan, after some years.   He said that dictators of Islamic states are …

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Losing Control of the U.S. Border

Already this year, the number of non-Mexican apprehensions has far outpaced last year’s total in just eight months. And while they are still a relatively small percentage compared with the number of illegal Mexicans, critics say the federal government’s policy in dealing with them is far more dangerous.

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