

Aflat într-o vizită la Roma, ministrul român de Externe Mihai Ungureanu a declarat că autorităţile române nu au luat nici o decizie referitoare la retragerea efectivelor militare din Irak ÅŸi nu au această intenÅ£ie în perspectivă. Mai mult decât atât, el a precizat că România nu intenÅ£ionează să suplimenteze numărul …

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Rehn urges Turkey to meet commitments

BRUSSELS, Belgium — EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on Tuesday (20 June) again urged Turkey to observe its commitments in the EU accession process. He said domestic authorities must take immediate measures to overcome the delays

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EU auditors claim Bulgaria, Romania mishandling PHARE funds

BRUSSELS, Belgium — The European Court of Auditors released a report on Tuesday (20 June) criticising the European Commission (EC) for not monitoring the way Bulgaria and Romania are handling aid under the PHARE programme. The audit covers projects initiated in 2000-2004, involving

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Statement by the Administration of the President of C.R.I

In The name Of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! In connection with the death of the President of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI), Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, in accordance with Article 75 of CRI Constitution, Vice President of CRI Dokka Umarov is fulfilling the responsibilities of the President of CRI since 17 …

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