Africa News

Central Africa: France wants to end its Sangaris operation in 2016

France hopes to end its military operation in Central Sangaris in 2016, said Sunday Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. “The goal is that Sangaris operation as such, military operation is stopped,” he told the Grand Jury RTL / LCI / Le Figaro quoting the “democratic process” underway Central and the …

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Fight against Boko Haram: the international community promised $ 250 million

The representatives of the international community gathered this Monday At Addis Ababa for a donor conference. They promised to find $ 250 million to fight the best against the Islamist movement Boko Haram. “We have more or less 250 million dollars,” said Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security of …

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Obama looks to take fight to Islamic State in Libya

Washington – US President Barack Obama has asked key advisors to draw up options for ratcheting up the fight against the Islamic State group, including opening a new front in Libya. Eighteen months after a US-led coalition began airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, multiple administration sources said on …

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UN backs Burundi force as Africa leaders debate troops

Addis Ababa – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned African leaders on Saturday of the need for action in troubled Burundi at a summit hoping to end armed crises across the continent. African Union leaders face an unprecedented vote on deploying a 5 000-strong peacekeeping force despite Burundi’s vehement opposition, …

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Western powers make plans to hit ISIS in Libya

London – British, French and US military personnel have travelled to Libya to identify potential targets for airstrikes against Islamic States (ISIS) forces, the Sunday Times reported. Six British air force officers joined intelligence officers, diplomats and US and French military personnel on a reconnaissance mission near the coastal city …

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Egypt attacks in Sinai leave 4 security forces dead

Cairo – Two Egyptian policemen and two soldiers were killed on Sunday in two bombing attacks in the country’s restive Sinai Peninsula, where ISIS jihadists have regularly attacked security forces. In one attack at dawn, a remotely-detonated bomb hit a police vehicle as security forces were carrying out a search …

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France promises aid for Tunisia

Paris – France provides one billion euros to Tunisia over the next five years as part of an economic support program, the French presidency said Friday. “A major aspect of this plan is to help poor regions and youth, with emphasis on employment,” said the office of French President Francois …

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Libya: a new unity government proposed before 10 days

In Libya, negotiations are continuing around the composition of the future government. Following the rejection of its first proposal by a large majority by the Parliament of Tobruk, on Monday, the Libyan Prime Minister, Fayez el-Sarraj has ten days to submit a new cabinet to MPs. “At the request of …

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Algeria’s Bouteflika dissolves spy unit, creates new agency

Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has dissolved the long-standing military spy directorate known as the DRS, creating a new agency under the control of the presidency in another step to ease the military out of politics, security sources said. Bouteflika, rarely been seen in public since he suffered a stroke in …

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