Eurasia News

EU appoints new Chief of Mission in Kosovo

The EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, has announced that Xavier Bout de Marnhac, a retired French army general, has been appointed as the new head of mission. Bout de Marnhac, who will succeed Yves de Kermabon, will take up his duties on October 15. His appointment is renewable for …

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Spain to extradite war crimes suspect Veselin Vlahovic to BiH

The Spanish government has decided to extradite war crimes suspect Veselin Vlahovic, known as the “Monster of Grbavica”, to BiH. Vlahovic was arrested in Spain in early March on suspicion of war crimes committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict. He is accused of the murder, rape, and torture of non-Serbs …

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RS supports Serbia over Kosovo

Republic of Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said on Tuesday that Banja Luka supports the Serbian parliament’s new resolution on Kosovo. After his meeting with the leaders of RS political parties, Dodik told reporters that the Bosnian Serb entity will continue to back Serbia in its policy on Kosovo.

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Romania este dispusa sa medieze dialogul dintre Belgrad si Pristina

Ministrul de externe, Teodor Baconschi, a afirmat intr-o conferinta de presa sustinuta la Bruxelles, ca Romania are disponibilitatea de a folosi expertiza regionala pe care o are pentru a media dialogul intre Belgrad si Pristina de aici inainte. Baconschi a raspuns intrebarilor ziaristilor straini, foarte interesati, de asemenea, si ei …

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Bulgarian, Greek Cabinets to Hold Joint Sitting

The Bulgarian and Greek executives are going to get together Tuesday in Sofia for an historic joint sitting to discuss common interests and projects between the two neigboring countries. The two cabinets will outline priorities and plans for cooperative action.

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EU Ministers Call for Faster EU-Accession of Serbia

A number of the EU’s foreign ministers called for a speeding-up of Serbia’s EU accession in the wake of decision by UN’s International Court of Justice that the secession of Kosovo from the Balkan country is not illegal, report and Beta Press.

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Geneva talks on security in South Caucasus to continue on Tuesday

Participants in Geneva consultations on South Caucasus will make on Tuesday yet another attempt to draw up a document providing non-aggression guarantees between Georgia and its republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Geneva talks on security in the South Caucasus were first held in October 2008, following a five-day …

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