Eurasia News

KFOR kicks off two-day exercise in central Kosovo

The NATO-led Kosovo force (KFOR) kicked off a two-day exercise in central part of Kosovo, including the capital Pristina. Exercises involving KFOR maneuver forces from Multinational Battle Group Centre (MNBG-C) and Multinational Battle Group South (MNBG-S) will be conducted in central part of Kosovo on May 11-12.

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Suspected mass grave to be excavated

Excavation will soon begin near the town of Raška, where a suspected mass grave is located, says War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević. Vukčević said that it is not known who killed the victims, while witnesses said that the site might contain the bodies of 250 Kosovo Albanians. The excavation will …

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Spanish FM: The formula for holding Sarajevo summit determined

The formula for holding the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo on June 2 has been determined, Spain’s Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said. The conference in Sarajevo has been well prepared, Moraitnos said last night in Brussels, adding that all countries agreed to use “Gimnich formula” for holding the meeting.

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Bulgarian Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo

Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Mladenov will pay an official visit to Kosovo today. He is scheduled to meet with his Kosovo counterpart Skender Hyseni as well as with Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Bulgarian FM will also meet with KFOR representatives and representatives of …

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Philip Gordon to visit Macedonia Thursday

Philip Gordon, assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasian affairs will visit Skopje on Thursday and meet Macedonian top officials, US State Department said. Gordon is scheduled to meet Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Gordon will also visit Serbia and Kosovo.

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European Council adopts directives for association agreements negotiation with South Caucasus countries

The European Council adopted directives for the negotiation of association agreements with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, to replace the current partnership and cooperation agreements with the three countries. It also agreed on the position to be adopted by

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IMF Talks on Review of Loan Deal with Serbia

A delegation from the International Monetary Fund, IMF, is set to arrive in Belgrade today to hold talks with the Serbian government on the fourth review of the country’s stand-by arrangement. In an interview with daily Politika on Tuesday, the IMF’s representative in Serbia, Bogdan Lissovolik, said that agreement

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Macedonia Takes Over CoE Chairmanship

Macedonia today takes over the rotating chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, holding the post for the first time since the country gained independence. Despite Greek opposition to the name “Macedonian Chairmanship 2010”, which Skopje chose to title its six month

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Albania reportedly to be part of NATO missile shield

Albania may be included in a list of countries where NATO’s missile defence shield will be deployed, local media reported on Sunday (May 9th). According to diplomatic sources, NATO is looking into whether to include Albania alongside Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. The issue was discussed last month when NATO Secretary-General …

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