Eurasia News

Kosovo reiterates its EU perspective

Political and economic criteria that Kosovo is required to meet are the main priorities of the integrations ministry, Minister Besim Beqaj said on Sunday (May 9th), Europe Day, a state holiday in Kosovo. Speaking at a conference on EU integration, Beqaj said that Pristina is confronting the challenges it faces, …

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Bulgarian FM:Bulgaria has always done everything in its power to help Macedonia, since its independence

“Bulgaria has always done everything it could to help Macedonia, since its independence. I think that this is well known by the Albanian political parties, as well as by the other parties,” Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov said.

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Ministrul de Externe de la Kiev: Ucraina nu va ceda Romaniei insula, chiar daca ea este nelocuita!

Ucraina nu intentioneaza sa schimbe linia de frontiera cu Romania, a declarat ministrul afacerilor externe din Ucraina, Konstantin Griscenko. Conform spuselor sale, Kievul nu va modifica linia granitei cu Romania, chiar daca este vorba despre o insula nelocuita pe Dunare. Este vorba despre o mica insula nelocuita (cu dimensiunile de …

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Canada PM Praises Croatia’s Progress

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made an official visit to Croatia over the weekend and praised the country for the progress it has made in the nearly 20 years it has been an independent nation. Speaking at a press conference in Zagreb, the prime minister noted that this was the …

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Bulgarian FM: It is important for Bulgaria all the neighboring countries to meet EU accession criteria

It is in strategically importance for Bulgaria all neighboring states to meet the EU accession criteria and to become a part of the European Union. This is what Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov said. Today he is paying a visit to Montenegro, which puts the beginning of the second part …

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Mass grave investigated in Raška

The Serbian War Crimes Prosecution believes that it has the location of a mass grave containing the bodies of ethnic Albanians. 250 bodies are believed to have been buried in the southwestern Raška area. “Thanks to our cooperation with EULEX, according to our information, we have a grave in the …

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Bucharest accepts Moldovan ambassador

Chisinau received the agreement of Bucharest on the appointment of Iurie Renita as Moldova’s Ambassador to Romania, Info-Prim Neo has learned from the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Moldova’s acting president Mihai Ghimpu is to sign an appointment decree after the approval of the Government.

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Serbia, Russia want security cooperation

Serbian President Boris Tadić was in Moscow on Sunday for Victory Day celebrations, where he met with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev and PM Vladimir Putin. Tadić said after the meetings that there was a mutual desire to continue cooperation between the countries, not only in the political and economic, …

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Berisha: There is no crisis in Albania

Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said there was no crisis in Albania, adding that the crisis is only in the opposition’s minds, following the hunger strike, supported by the opposition. Berisha underlined that Socialists and the opposition should stop protesting and see Albania’s progress.

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