Eurasia News

Alexandar Mallias, a former Greek ambassador to Macedonia: Name – still condition for EU entry talks

Greece will not quit on the resolution of the name dispute as a condition for start of the neighboring country’s EU accession talks, Alexandar Mallias, a former Greek ambassador to Macedonia said on Thursday. Alexandar Mallias reckons that name Republic of North Macedonia to replace

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Ban-Ki-Moon voices concern on strategy for North Kosovo

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed concern about Kosovo’s strategy to integrate the country’s ethnically divided north. In a report to the Security Council, the U.N. chief warned that tensions in the region could increase unless the government of Kosovo acts with transparency and in consultation with local communities. …

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Kosovo Parliament Speaker in Visit to Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s Parliament has established formal relations with the Assembly of Kosovo after the head of the latter visited Sofia on Wednesday, Novinite reports. The Chair of the Kosovo Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi, met with his Bulgarian counterpart, Tsetska Tsacheva, during an official visit abroad by a Kosovo parliamentary delegation.

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Romania sustine continuarea politicii “usilor deschise” a NATO

Ministrul roman al Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, va participa joi si vineri la reuniunea informala a ministrilor de externe din statele membre ale NATO, care se desfasoara la Tallinn, in Estonia. Potrivit unui comunicat al MAE, agenda politica a intalnirii va include subiecte referitoare la procesul de transformare a NATO …

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Armenia halts ratification of Armenia- Turkey protocols

Armenia’s ruling coalition parties issued a joint statement in which they call for suspending the process of ratification of the Armenia-Turkey protocols in the Armenian legislature. The government says the move comes amid Turkey’s reluctance to honor its commitment on an unconditional ratification of the deal within a reasonable timeframe.

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Flota rusa ramane la Sevastopol si dupa 2017

Rusia si Ucraina au ajuns la un acord pentru prelungirea prezentei flotei ruse a Marii Negre si dupa anul 2017, a anuntat miercuri presedintele rus, Dmitri Medvedev, in cursul unei vizite in Ucraina, informeaza Mediafax. Conform acordului incheiat intre cele doua state in 1997, flota rusa a Marii Negre poate …

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