Eurasia News

Serbs boycott vote in Kosovo municipality

Early mayoral elections were held in the municipality of Istok in Kosovo on Sunday. Several minor incidents at polling stations were reported during the voting. The elections went without any major problems, but several political parties and the NGO coalition “Democracy in Action” stated that there were incidents reported.

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Austrian federal minister of European and International Affairs: Austria wants Moldova` s rapprochement to EU

“In a short period of time, a lot of progress has been noticed in Moldova, especially in reforming field. This tendency is highly appreciated in Europe. Austria intends to intensively cooperate with Moldova, so that your country gets much closer to European Union”. This statement has been made today by …

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Romania, Moldova to sign agreement on border co-operation

Romania and Moldova will sign an agreement on border status and bilateral co-operation on border issues, the chairman of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Commission at the Moldovan Parliament Igor Korman announced. In his words the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries work on the document, which …

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Spain Agrees to Extradite War Crimes Suspect

The Spanish government has decided to extradite suspected war criminal Veselin Vlahovic, who is wanted by Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro for a variety of crimes, but Spanish authorities did not indicate to which country Vlahovic will be extradited.

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Steinberg: Kosovo and Serbia Should Discuss Pragmatic Issues

On the last stop of his Balkans tour, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg visited Kosovo and met with President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Steinberg praised the Kosovo government for the most recent municipal elections, claiming that such elections signal the building of an inclusive …

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Papandreou: Greece may use aid package

Prime Minister George Papandreou said that Greece may have to use a proposed EU-IMF financial aid package. On last Sunday, Papandreou said resorting to the mechanism is not his country’s ” first option ” , but it may be needed. ” The question remains whether this mechanism will convince markets …

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Bulgaria gives up eurozone application for now

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov announced Friday (April 9th) that Bulgaria will give up its eurozone application for the time being due to its current inability to meet the European Monetary Union criteria. Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov said that the country will voluntarily revise its 2008 and 2009 budget deficits. The …

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EC will not monitor Montenegro’s local elections

The European Commission (EC) will not send a special mission to monitor the upcoming local election in Montenegro, the head of the EC delegation in Podgorica, Leopold Maurer, said on Friday (April 9th). The comment came after a request of the opposition Movement for Changes (PzP), which earlier asked the …

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