Eurasia News

Kosovo completes questionnaire on trade with EU

Kosovo finished the European Commission’s questionnaire on trade relations with the EU and sent the report to Brussels on Wednesday (April 7th), a week earlier than scheduled. The 217 questions deal with mechanisms that regulate trade, legislative regulations, customs, public procurement and economic competition.

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US Deputy Secretary of State Arrives in Belgrade

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg has arrived in Belgrade on the third stop of his Balkan tour, and he met this morning with Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic. During his meetings with local officials, Steinberg is expected to “convey to Serbia’s officials Washington’s support …

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Obiectivele Romaniei in Noul Concept Strategic al NATO

Tara noastra va insista asupra importantei articolului 5 din Tratatul NATO, privind indivizibilitatea securitatii colective, ca punct central al noului concept strategic al Organizatiei. Declaratia a fost facuta de de ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, in cadrul unei conferinte de presa sustinute joi la sediul MAE, alaturi de Umit Pamir …

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Spanish FM: Bosnia, Balkans high on EU’s priority list

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated in Sarajevo that the Western Balkans and Bosnia-Herzegovina were high on EU’s priority list. After talking to Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Foreign Minister Sven Alkalaj, the Spanish FM, whose country is presiding over the EU, repeated that the EU-Western

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UN chief voices concern in Kosovo report

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said that he is concerned over Priština’s new policies towards northern Kosovo. He called on the Kosovo Albanian government to “carefully implement” its new strategy for that part of the territory, which has a majority ethnic Serb population. “I am concerned because of the possible …

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Kosovo Serb War Crimes Suspect Arrested in Sweden

Swedish police have announced that they have arrested a Kosovo Serb over allegations of war crimes committed in the village of Cuska near Peja/Pec, Kosovo in May 1999. The suspect, who is reportedly in his thirties, was arrested in a joint operation by the Swedish National Criminal Investigation Department (Rikskriminalen) …

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Bulgarian PM to take part in East European leaders’ meeting with US President

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov’s first meeting with US President Barack Obama will be held on Thursday night in Prague. The leaders of 11 East European countries, including Bulgaria Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, were invited over an official dinner with the US president.  The meeting will be held at the …

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