Eurasia News

Davutoglu reaffirms Turkey’s support to Macedonia’s EU bid

MACEDONIA Visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu reiterated his country’s support to Macedonia’s integration into the Euro-Atlantic community as well as to good relations between Macedonia and Turkey. Davutoglu held talks with his Macedonian counterpart Antonio Milososki on Friday. The two reaffirmed the good political, economic and cultural ties between …

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Merkel insita pentru participarea FMI la salvarea Greciei si vrea modificarea Tratatului de la Lisabona

Cancelarul german a declarat, miercuri, in cadrul unei interventii in parlament, ca la reuniunea Consiliului European de primavara, care se desfasoara joi si vineri la Bruxelles, va insista ca Fondul Monetar International (FMI) sa participe si el la un eventual spijin acordat autoritatilor de la Atena, alaturi de statele din …

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No Progress In Greece-Macedonia Talks

There were no breakthroughs in the Athens-Skopje name gridlock after the prime ministers of the two countries, Nikola Gruevski and George Papandreou, met on Thursday in Brussels. “The positions of Macedonia and Greece on the name issue in general remain far apart even after today’s meeting,” Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Antonio …

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Nabucco Pipeline ‘Likely Operational in 2018’

The European Union-backed gas pipeline Nabucco is likely to begin operations in 2018, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said, a statement which was later denied by the consortium behind the project. “I hope we will make the final decision in 2010 to build the pipeline,” he said. The odds of …

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EC to publish April report on visas for Albania

The European Commission (EC) will publish a report on April 15th regarding Albania’s progress in meeting criteria for EU visa liberalisation. A similar evaluation will be made for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH); a high-ranking EC official was quoted as saying on Wednesday (March 24th). Brussels has reportedly urged officials in …

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Georgia pushes for rapid NATO accession

Georgia is pushing for rapid entry into NATO with plans to meet membership requirements within the next three years, the Georgian state minister for Euro-Atlantic integration, Giorgi Baramidze said. Several European states, including Germany, are reluctant to let the Caucasian nation join NATO. Experts say that unresolved territorial issues in …

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Dutch FM Maxime Verhagen: Serbia’s progress in EU integration will not be on the agenda before Serge Brammertz submits his next report

Dutch FM Maxime Verhagen says Serbia’s progress in EU integration will not be on the agenda before Serge Brammertz submits his next report. The chief Hague prosecutor’s new report is due in June. “The position of the Netherlands remains unchanged in principle. Last December we responded to Brammertz’s positive report …

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