Eurasia News

Turkey to change Constitution to move closer to EU

Turkey’s government said on Monday it would table several changes to the Constitution to make it more democratic and to boost the chance for its entry into the European Union. Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek said the constitutional amendments must be adopted and

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Macedonia- Greece meeting announced

The prime ministers of neighbouring Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Gruevski and George Papandreou, respectively, agreed to meet this Thursday on the sidelines of the EU summit in Brussels to discuss their countries’ ongoing “name” spat.

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Western Balkan leaders embrace EU perspective

A summit of Western Balkan leaders near Ljubljana ended on Saturday (March 20th) by adopting a joint statement on their countries’ commitment to the European perspective. The forum was marred by the absence of Serbian President Boris Tadic who boycotted because Kosovo was not represented according to the UN Security …

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Stefan Fuele visits Kosovo and Albania

Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said on Friday (March 19th) that the EU expects Kosovo to step up efforts to fight crime and corruption and strengthen the rule of law. After talks with Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and President Fatmir Sejdiu in Pristina, Fuele stressed the importance of guaranteeing political stability …

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NATO Commander praises improved security situation in Kosovo

The NATO Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral Mark Fitzgerald said on Friday (March 19th) that the transfer of the responsibility for the protection of a Serbian monument of Gazimestan from KFOR to the Kosovo police is a result of improved security situation in the country.

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EC supports initiative for regional war crimes commission

he head of the European Commission (EC) delegation to Serbia, Vincent Degert, has voiced support for an initiative of a number of NGOs from the region to set up a fact-finding regional commission on war crimes committed during wars in the Balkans. Speaking at a conference in Novi Sad on …

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Montenegrin opposition to propose local elections date

Socialist People’s Party (SNP) leader Srdjan Milic will propose to President Filip Vujanovic May 30th as a date for holding of local elections. The opposition will meet representatives of the parties that are not represented in the parliament on Monday to come up with the final suggestion. According to the …

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EU commissioner: Bosnia on right path

European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said that Bosnia-Herzegovina is on the right road to achievement its visa liberalization this year. He called on the Bosnian government to continue with its reforms, changes in the constitution and election laws, in order to hold democratic elections in October. “It is important to …

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