Eurasia News

Slovenia hopes Serbia will attend the planned conference

It would be important for the success of the planned conference in Slovenia if the Serbian president attended, says a Slovenian embassy in Belgrade official. This would be significant, Jadranka Šturm-Kocjan stated, for cooperation in the region, mutual relations and dialogues between the Western Balkans countries.

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Venice Commission: Moldovan Parliament has to be dissolved

Moldovan Parliament has to be dissolved, and parliamentary anticipated elections have to take place. This is the statement of European experts, following a Venice Commission letter addressed to governing parties. According to European experts, the failure of president` s designation

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UE considera ca Grecia nu va avea nevoie de sprijin financiar

Ministrii de finante din zona euro, reuniti luni, la Bruxelles, pentru a discuta un posibil plan de salvare al Greciei, au anuntat ca au ajnuns la un acord, fara a oferi insa prea multe detalii. Premierul luxemburghez, Jean – Claude Juncker, presedintele grupului ministrilor de finante din zona euro, a …

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Kosovo’s ruling PDK wins Gjilan election

The ruling Democratic Party (PDK) candidate won the mayoral race in Gjilan on Sunday (March 14th), the third time it’s been held. Qemajl Mustafa beat Fatmir Rexhepi of the Democratic League of Kosovo by 5,000 votes. The Central Elections Commission said no incidents were reported and that turnout was around …

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”Serbia won’t pay compensation to Croatia”

Croatian Justice Minister Ivan Šimonović said that there is no possibility that Serbia can pay reparations for damages incurred by Croatia during the war. He said that Croatia can only expect “symbolic reparations based on the genocide committed”, referring to the genocide charges Croatia filed against then Yugoslavia in 1999.

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