Eurasia News

EU applauds Ukrainian presidential elections

The European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton gave a welcome to the completion of the second round of voting in the Ukrainian presidential elections in a statement publushed Monday, Xinhua News Agency informed. “The generally calm atmosphere in which the elections were conducted, the open campaign in the media …

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EP member Doris Pack says Kosovo’s EU integration depends on domestic leadership

European Parliament (EP) member Doris Pack says Kosovo needs 12 to 18 months to meet the EU-set criteria before it can benefit from visa liberalisation. “It depends on politics. If Kosovo authorities work faster, the processes can move faster too,” Pack was quoted as saying by public broadcaster RTK on …

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EP rapporteur says BiH could get visa liberalisation in July

European Parliament (EP) rapporteur on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkans Tanja Fajon says BiH has made significant progress in implementing conditions in its EU visa liberalisation road map. In an interview with the Sarajevo-based daily Dnevni Avaz on Sunday (February 7th), Fajon said she expects the country to get …

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Kosovo to participate in KFOR downsizing

Any further downsizing of NATO’s troops in Kosovo will be decided in co-operation with authorities in Pristina, Albanian Defence Minister Arben Imami said on Sunday (February 7th). “Kosovo has developed into a stable country … showing political maturity,” Imami said in Tirana, after attending a meeting of NATO defence ministers …

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Members of Moldovan Parliament to visit Bucharest

A delegation of Members the Moldovan Parliament, headed by Igor Corman (PD), chairperson of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Board, will make an official visit to Romania in the period between February 7 and 10 The Moldovan MPs go to Bucharest at the invitation of the Foreign Policy Board …

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Macedonian FM: Skopje-Tirana cooperation important to region

The cooperation between Macedonia and Albania is highly significant to the stability in the region and to overall development of the Balkans, a senior Macedonian official said on Monday. Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki made the remarks at a joint press conference with his Albanian counterpart Ilir Meta.

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Yanukovych ahead in Ukranian vote

It looks likely that pro-Russian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych has won Ukraine’s presidential election – but only by a slender margin. Claiming victory, he told supporters: “People wanted change and I think this election was the first step towards the unification of the nation.”

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