Eurasia News

Rasmussen: Name settlement A must

The Name dispute must be solved in order Macedonia to join NATO, NATO Secretary General Andres Fogh Rasmussen said at the meeting with Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski in Brussels. Rasmussen urged for name settlement and expressed hope to see Macedonia as NATO member state very soon. Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola …

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Ukraine on January 17 selects future for decades, says Tymoshenko

Presidential candidate and Ukrainian Premier Yulia Tymoshenko has said that on January 17 Ukraine is selecting its future and the country will start a new way. “Today we’re not only voting for candidates, but also Ukraine is selecting its future for decades,” Tymoshenko said after casting her ballot at a …

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Calm situation along the Bulgarian – Greek border

Situation along the Bulgarian –Greek border is so far calm. This is what head of Smolyan Border Police Regional Directorate Commissary Todor Georgiev said. Although all checkpoints work normally and there are no lines of waiting vehicles, Commissary Georgiev warns people to restrict from travelling to Greece. The reason is …

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Ukraine votes for president

Ukraine votes for a president on Sunday in an election marked by widespread disillusionment among ordinary people but one which will prove crucial to its relations with Russia and its place in Europe.

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Greece prepares for facing EU lashes

Greek officials are bracing for a European Union grilling next week over faulty national statistics as the country awaits approval of a national crisis plan on its debt-hit economy. European finance ministers on Tuesday are to tell Athens to clean up its accounting practices and improve the administration of key …

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Cypriot President starts official visit in Greece

Cypriot President Dimitri Christofias started an official visit to Greece Saturday. Christofias was received by his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias at the Athens Presidential Mansion. Christofias, who is also the leader of the Greek Cypriot community, briefed Papoulias on his talks last week with Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat …

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NATO: Doors Remain Open To Macedonia

NATO reiterated that its doors remain opened for Macedonia, but only after a solution to its name dispute with Athens is reached. “There is not shortcut: we made the decision in Bucharest, that we will start accession talks with Skopje immediately after a mutually acceptable solution is found. I encourage …

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Serbia Withdraws Ambassador from Montenegro, Cites Kosovo

Serbia’s foreign minister Vuk Jeremic has ordered the immediate withdrawal of Serbia’s ambassador in Podgorica following Montenegro’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Kosovo. Jeremic asked the ambassador to return to Belgrade for consultations. After much discussion about when the right time is to establish diplomatic relations with Kosovo, Montenegro’s …

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Romania’s Senate ratified the Small Cross Border Agreement

On Thursday, during an extraordinary session, the meeting of the Bucharest Senate ratified the Small Cross Border Agreement signed by the Government of Romania and Republic of Moldova Government on 13 November 2009, The Agreement was ratified unanimously with 90 votes “for” the Agreement signed between Romania and Republic of …

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