Eurasia News

Macedonia Proposes “Name” Solution

Skopje is testng the waters with a three phase solution for the long lasting “name” row with Athens that would unlock country’s EU and NATO accession aspirations, local media report on Thursday. The new proposal for solving the row which recently came from Macedonian legislator Pavle Trajanov is in fact …

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Croatia, Slovenia Agree on EU Membership Talks

Croatia and Slovenia are ready to resolve outstanding issues blocking Zagreb’s EU membership talks, the prime ministers of the two countries Jadranka Kosor and Borut Pahor respectively said after meeting on Wednesday. “It is my wish that we resolve at least two of the three open issues prior to the …

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ICTY: Jokic to be Released From Prision

Dragan Jokic, sentenced for crimes committed in Srebrenica in 1995, should be released from prison in Austria by mid February, while seven former high ranking military and police officers await their verdict for crimes committed in the Bosnian Serb enclave. The decision to release Jokic was made by the International …

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UN envoy satisfied with intensified Cyprus reunification talks

UN Special Envoy for Cyprus Alexander Downer said on Tuesday (January 12th) that he is satisfied with intensified talks on reunification that began this week between Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat. “We are happy with the way the two leaders are conducting the negotiations,” …

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Great Britain and Hungary strongly support Macedonia’s EU and NATO entry

Great Britain and Hungary want Macedonia to join EU and NATO, support setting a date for accession talks with EU and hope Macedonia to find an acceptable name solution, British Foreign Minister David Miliband and Hungarian President László Sólyom said in their letters send to Macedonia President Gjorgje Ivanov.

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Merkel: Long road to EU for Bosnia

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she does not have much hope for a quick European Union accession for Bosnia-Herzegovina. After meeting with Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency head Željko Komšić in Berlin, she said that “a very long road” is ahead of Bosnia towards EU membership. Without changes to the Constitution, which …

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Moldovan leader presses for language name change

Moldova’s acting president, at the risk of touching off a damaging row, is pressing for the national language to be renamed Romanian rather than Moldovan. The ex-Soviet republic, independent since 1991, speaks a language virtually identical to that in Romania and much of its territory belonged to its larger neighbour …

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EU enlargement commissioner-designate vows to keep Turkish talks going

European Commissioner-designate for EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule promised on Tuesday (January 12th) that the bloc will continue talks on Turkey’s accession despite opposition from some members, including France and Germany. “I intend to go ahead with accession negotiations with Turkey. They are the best leverage we have …

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Slovenia, Croatia ready to clear way for Zagreb’s EU talks

Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor and his Croatian counterpart Jadranka Kosor said Wednesday they were ready to clear the way for Zagreb’s EU membership talks next month. “My wish is that, by the next EU-Croatia accession conference in February, we can solve at least two of the three open issues,” …

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Croatian Operation Storm War Crimes Probe

A Zagreb county court began hearing on Tuesday an investigation about war crimes committed in the village Grubori, near Knin, in August 1995 during the military operation code named Oluja (Storm). The court heard the first five of about 70 witnesses that will be called, according the media. Zeljko Sacic, …

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