Eurasia News

OSCE Attacks Interference in Bosnian Judiciary

In its latest report the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE, says that pressure on the work of judicial institutions goes beyond “acceptable criticism” and that accusations that war-crimes trials are motivated by ethnic affiliation are groundless. “These statements exceed the limits of acceptable …

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Karadzic Should Have Had Councel From Start

Antonio Cassese, the first president of the ICTY, in an interview for International Justice Tribune, said it would have been better from the outset to appoint a legal counsel for Karadzic. “In many European countries, in criminal cases any defendant must be assisted by a defence counsel. This is a …

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Romania Debates Austerity Budget

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc says he expects parliament to adopt the budget for 2010 by 15 January. The budget is key to the continuation of an International Monetary Fund, IMF, led aid package, crucial for stabilising the country’s economy. Parliament began debating the budget, that has already been negotiated …

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Russian official on Serbia and NATO

Head of the Russian Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev said that Serbia has to decide on its own whether it wants to join NATO. He added however that he doubts that the Serb people, after the tragedy they endured during the Alliance bombing of 1999, would want to join …

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Tadić: Two resolutions on war victims

Serbian President Boris Tadić said that there will be a resolution on Serb victims adopted along with the resolution condemning the Srebrenica crimes. He said that he initiated the Srebrenica resolution, which has been finished, because he believes that “this question is not a partisan or a political one, but …

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Moldova- Negotiations on association agreement revealed sameness of positions of the sides – Wiegand

The European Union and Moldova officially launched negotiations on a new Association Agreement in Chisinau on Tuesday. The negotiations reflect the positive evolution of political and economic relations between the EU and Moldova, and the opportunity to widen and deepen cooperation under the Eastern Partnership, the Delegation of the European …

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Serbian President Boris Tadić expects the negotiations on the status of Kosovo to continue

Serbian President Boris Tadić said on Tuesday that he expects the negotiations on the status of Kosovo to continue after the ICJ ruling. The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) is expected to give its advisory opinion this year on the legality of the February 2008 unilateral independence declaration, made …

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Rehn: Greece shall not be excluded from the euro zone

Greece shall not be excluded from the euro zone, but Athens must take serious measures to decrease the budget deficit, European Commissioner Olli Rehn said during his address to the Parliament on Tuesday. Rehn pointed out that Greece is a special case and pointed out that in February Athens will …

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