Eurasia News

Romanian Chamber of Deputies agrees ratification of Convention on Small Scale Border Traffic with Moldova

The law on the ratification of the Convention on Small Scale Border Traffic between Moldova and Romania was adopted unanimously by the Chamber of Deputies of Romania at its Monday’s meeting. The Senate is to take a final decision.

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Newly elected Croatian President: “Croatia-Serbia relations are strategic”

Newly elected Croatian President Ivo Josipović says he believes relations between Croatia and Serbia are strategic. He also expressing belief that he will soon meet with Serbian President Boris Tadić. Josipović said that the idea that both countries should drop the lawsuits for genocide before the International Court of Justice …

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K. Albanians oppose new status talks

The Kosovo government and political parties in Priština reject all possibilities of new status negotiations with Serbia regarding the status of Kosovo. Kosovo Albanian government spokesman Memli Krasniqi said that “the Kosovo government will never agree to negotiations with Belgrade regarding Kosovo’s status. The status of our country is irreversible.”

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Macedonia Attacks Constitutional Court

The main opposition party claims that the government is secretly preparing constitutional changes that should impede the free work of the constitutional court. Prime Minister and ruling VMRO DPMNE head, Nikola Gruevski wants to deal with the judges who constantly reassess and annul his laws, an opposition legislator from the …

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Turkey and Russia on way to ‘strategic partnership’

Turkey and Russia will set up a high-level strategic cooperation working group Wednesday when Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pays a working visit to Moscow. Accompanied by five Cabinet members and a group of businessmen, the prime minister aims to boost bilateral relations, especially in the economic field. Turkey’s …

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KFOR commander criticises parallel structures

KFOR considers Serb parallel structures in Kosovo dangerous, commander General Marcus Bentler said, adding that they violate UN Resolution 1244 and are therefore considered illegal. “These structures risk stability,” Bentler said at the Italian KFOR military barracks in Peja/Pec. “We are aware of their existence, but it is up to …

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Hague: Šešelj trial set to continue

After an 11-month break, the trial before the Hague Tribunal of Serb Radical Party (SRS) leader Vojislav Šešelj continues on Tuesday. Šešelj is accused of war crimes against non-Serbs in Croatia, Vojvodina and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The prosecution is expected to bring out its last witness in the case, and the trial …

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Catherine Ashton: “Western Balkans one of EU priorities”

EU Foreign Policy High Representative Catherine Ashton says the future of Western Balkans will be one of the priorities of her activities. Ashton also and pointed out that she wants for the whole region to progress towards the Union in the future. In a speech before MPs of the Foreign …

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Serbia- Two resolutions on war crimes planned for Parliament debate

Serbia’s Parliament will debate drafts of two resolutions for condemning war crimes committed during the wars on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. One will condemn the crimes committed against Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) in Srebrenica, and the other will condemn all other war crimes.

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Moldova- Many holders of special passports will be gradually deprived of them

The Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration has approved a new list of state officials whop have the right to hold diplomatic and service passports. The list will be given shortly to the Moldovan Border Service, which will be authorized to withdraw such kind of special passports from …

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