Eurasia News

Voronin hopes Moldova and EU will sign association agreement

The former President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin, the leader of the Opposition party, the PCRM, says that his party will support the initiatives aimed at bringing Moldova closer to the EU standards. He is in favor of liberalizing the visa regime for the Moldovan travelers and developing the economic relations …

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RS officials reject high rep decisions

The Republic of Srpska (RS) leaders say High Representative Valentin Inzko’s decision to extend the mandate of foreign judges and prosecutors is unacceptable. The president of the Bosnian Serb entity, Rajko Kuzmanović, on Monday described Inzko’s move as “unacceptable”, and as “a clear sign that Bosnia-Herzegovina continues to be under …

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European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, Jelko Kacin: Statute proclamation shows maturity

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, Jelko Kacin, said that the proclamation of the Vojvodina statute is a sign of maturity in Serbia. He said that it is also a sign of Serbia’s political will to turn itself into a modern and functional country.

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Everything to be done to allow OSCE to resume activity in Georgia in 2010: Kazakh representative

Everything will be done to allow the OSCE to resume activity in Georgia in 2010, Greek Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-In-Office Charalampos Christopoulos and his successor, Kazakh representative Bolat Nurgaliyev said at a meeting with Georgian Vice Parliamentary Speaker Gigi Tsereteli.

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Turkey’s pro-Kurdish DTP deputies decide to resign

The 19 deputies of the now-defunct Democratic Society Party, or DTP, decided during an emergency strategy assembly on Monday to resign from the Turkish Parliament, DTP co-leader Ahmet Türk said after the party convened in Diyarbakır.

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