Eurasia News

Mali crisis: CMA could sign peace agreement

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Mali, Chief of Minusma, Mongi Hamdi said on Monday he convicted that “reason would prevail” so that the other party of the Coordination of Movements of Azawad (CMA) can sign “without delay” the peace and reconciliation agreement, following the Algiers process.

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Tunisia granted new US ally status

President Barack Obama on Thursday elevated Tunisia to new allied status, promising financial and security assistance to ensure the North African country’s transition to democracy remains a success in a fragile region. Obama announced in an Oval Office meeting with newly elected Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi that he intends …

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Kurdish forces drive IS out of Assyrian Christian villages

Kurdish forces have driven the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group from more than a dozen Assyrian Christian villages that the jihadists had captured in northeastern Syria, a monitor said May 27. “Following a 10-day offensive, Kurdish fighters took control early this week of 14 Assyrian villages …

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Russia scraps Mistral deal with France

Russia has scrapped its controversial deal with France to buy two Mistral-class warships and is now designing its own alternative to the vessels, according to a source from Russia’s state military industrial complex. The €1.2bn deal, agreed between Russia and France in 2011, was initially planned to see two Mistral-class …

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EU increases assistance for Sahel region

The European Commission Friday announced assistance worth 34 million euro for immediate food aid for the most vulnerable people in the Sahel region including Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Burkina Faso. “Millions of people in the Sahel are exposed to the risk of hunger and it is crucial …

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Algeria reaffirms support for Yemen democracy

President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika reaffirmed in a message sent to Yemeni President Abd Rabbou Hadi, on the occasion of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the national unity of his country, “Algeria’s support to the Yemeni people and his support to the steps aimed at laying the …

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Algeria eliminates 25 Terrorists in Bouira operation

The elimination of 25 terrorists in Bouira (122-km east of Algiers) was a “daring operation” and a “quality leap” reflecting the capacity of the People’s National Army and the security forces in the eradication of terrorist groups, said Thursday in Algiers the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and …

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Dozens of militants killed by Egypt security forces in North Sinai

A dozen suspected militants were killed late Sunday in an operation launched by security forces in North Sinai, army sources said. The suspected militants were believed to be members of Egypt’s most active militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, which renamed itself “Sinai Province” after pledging allegiance to the leader of …

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