Eurasia News

Turkish FM says no rift between policies with EU

The EU’s foreign policy chief did not raise any criticism or proposals for the alignment of Turkey’s foreign policy with the EU, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said, in reply to remarks by Federica Mogherini. Despite Turkey’s “very important contributions” to the EU’s security and defense policies, the EU …

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Hagel visits Iraq

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel arrived in Baghdad today to consult with Iraqi government officials and confer with US commanders about the campaign to defeat Islamic State fighters. In remarks to a group of US and Australian soldiers, Mr Hagel said the US wants to help Iraq regain the territory it lost to Islamic …

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Merkel accuses Russia of interfering in Eastern Europe countries

German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia on Sunday of interfering in the domestic affairs of numerous countries that are seeking closer ties to the European Union. “Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine are three countries in our eastern neighbourhood that have taken sovereign decisions to sign an association agreement with the EU,” …

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Pakistan rejects India’s accusations on Kashmir attacks

Pakistan’s Foreign Office on Monday rejected Indian allegations implicating Pakistan in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) attacks, said an official release. A press release by Pakistani Foreign Office said, “Pakistan rejects the allegations and efforts to malign Pakistan by implicating it in the recent attacks in Indian-held Kashmir,” adding that Pakistan …

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Algerian, Greek Presidents discuss bilateral relations

President of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Sunday in Algiers held one-to-one meeting with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, on a state visit to Algeria. President Papoulias started Saturday a three-day state visit to Algeria, at the invitation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

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EU to push for Turkey’s support in fight against IS

New European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was to meet Turkish leaders Dec. 8 for talks expected to focus partly on the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in neighboring Syria. “The Syrian crisis is going to be one of the key issues on …

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NATO ceremonially end combat mission in Afghan after 13 years

 The US and NATO ceremonially ended their combat mission in Afghanistan on Monday, 13 years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks sparked their invasion of the country to topple the Taliban-led government. NATO’s International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, which was in charge of combat operations, lowered its flag, formally …

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Egypt calls on Britain to support Libya’s ‘legitimate government institutions’

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry discussed bilateral relations and anti-terrorism efforts with his British counterpart Philip Hammond, on the sidelines of the 10th International Institute for Strategic Studies Manama Dialogue Forum in Bahrain, on Saturday. Shoukry detailed recent developments in Libya to Hammond following a conference last week …

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