Eurasia News

EU FMs discuss Mideast, Ukraine situation

EU foreign ministers Monday began here their formal monthly meeting with two main topics on the agenda, Ukraine and the Middle East. The EU Foreign Affairs Council is being chaired for the first time by the new EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. “We will …

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EU to extend pro-Russian separatist sanctions list

The EU Foreign Affairs Council Monday called on the EU foreign services, known as the European External Action Service, and the European Commission to present a proposal for decision by the end of this month on additional sanctions targeting separatists in Eastern Ukraine.

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Armed clashes broke out in Tripoli

Armed clashes broke out in Libya’s capital Tripoli closing down the city’s main working airport, local residents and an official said on Sunday. Tripoli has been mostly calm since the Libya Dawn force, an armed faction allied to the city of Misrata, took over the capital in the summer and …

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US to accerelation mission to train Iraqi forces to combat IS

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Nov. 16 the Pentagon will accelerate its mission to train Iraqi forces to combat Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants, using troops already in Iraq to start the effort while funding is sought for a broader initiative. Hagel, speaking to …

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Afghanistan agree to push Pak Taliban out of its soil

Afghanistan has agreed to target militants attacking Pakistan from alleged sanctuaries on its soil, in a significant move which suggests a thaw in their frayed ties and anti-terror cooperation between them. Pakistan had demanded Afghanistan several times through official and unofficial channels to uproot the chief of outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan …

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India, China armies hold counter-terror exercise

With the aim of getting acquainted with each other’s operating procedures in counter-terrorism, Indian and Chinese armies began their fourth joint training exercise, Hand-in-Hand, in Pune on Monday. The objective of the training is to enhance the confidence and trust between the two armies, which may be called upon to …

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Turkey supports removal of Assad regime

Turkey backs the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Turkish foreign minister said on Monday. “We have no hesitation on the removal of Assad,” Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a live TV interview. CNN reported on Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama was calling for a review of his nation’s Syria policy, after realizing that ISIL could not …

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NATO accuses Russia of continuing to send troops into Ukraine

Russia continues to deny it has sent troops and heavy artillery into rebel-held territory in Ukraine despite sightings by NATO and the OSCE. NATO has accused Russia of sending tanks, troops and military hardware to east Ukraine, raising fears of renewed all-out fighting and calling into question the Minsk peace …

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UN warns of escalation of conflict in East Ukraine

A United Nations political officials tells the Security Council that the fragile cease-fire between rebels and the government is under serious strain. The fragile cease-fire agreement between rebel pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces are “under continuous and serious strain,” a senior UN political official told the Security Council Wednesday. “With the Minsk agreements in question, and uncertainty …

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