Eurasia News

Putin agrees to Merkel’s proposal to form contact group on Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to a proposal from German Chancellor Angela Merkel to set up a contact group on Ukraine, the German government said. “President Putin accepted the German chancellor’s proposal to immediately establish a mission of inquiry as well as a contact group, possibly under the

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Kerry to visit Ukraine

The United States on March 2 said it will send its top diplomat to Kiev in a show of support and threatened economic sanctions against Russia but made clear it is not seriously considering military action over Ukraine. 

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Obama calls on Putin to pull back forces

United States President Barack Obama has warned his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin against violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and asked him to pull the forces back to their bases in Crimea. In a 90-minute phone call, Obama expressed “deep concern” over Russia’s “violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity” and asked …

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EU leaders condemns Russian military moves

European leaders lashed out at Russia on Saturday, as Moscow moved to deploy troops in Ukraine’s pro-Russian region of Crimea. A range of EU officials — from Britain and Finland to Germany, France and Spain, expressing alarm over Moscow’s military plans.

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Russian troops take over easternmost terminal of Crimea

Russian troops took a ferry terminal on the easternmost tip of Crimea near Russia, Monday, exacerbating fears that Moscow is planning to bring more troops in the strategic region of the Black Sea. Confiscation terminal in the Ukrainian city of Kerch about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the boat to …

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France calls for political solution in Ukraine

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Saturday called for a political solution to the ongoing tension in Ukraine, the Crimea as the epicenter. “France is deeply concerned by reports of the Crimea, which demonstrate significant movements of the armed forces,” Fabius said in a statement.

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Russian troops are now in control of Crimea

A senior U.S. administration official speaking on background said the Russian military is “full operational control” of the Crimea region of Ukraine, where it is believed that about 6,000 airborne troops and naval are present.

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US fully supports new Ukrainian PM

US vice-president Joe Biden promised Ukraine’s pro-Western interim leaders “full” US support on Thursday as they seek to head off Russian influence. Biden called interim prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to “welcome the formation of a new government in Ukraine,” a White House statement said.

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