Eurasia News

Montenegro To Host Igman Initiative’s Summit

The President of Montenegro and the Minister of the Interior spoke to the delegation of the regional NGO, promising the country will host its next conference and actively follow its recommendations.President Filip Vujanovic and Interior Minister Ivan Brajovic met on Wednesday with Branko Lukovac, Aleksandar Popov, Vehid Sekic, Branislav Radulovic …

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Nameless Statue Causes Stir in Macedonia

A new nameless equestrian statue in Skopje has angered some on account of its striking resemblance to Todor Aleksandrov, a controversial figure in Macedonian history.The five-metre statue financed by the Ministry of Culture and erected in the Skopje municipality of Kisela Voda is officially entitled “Macedonian equestrian revolutionary”. But to …

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Greece: Macedonia Waging ‘Anti-Greek’ Propaganda War

Macedonia is stirring negative propaganda against Greece, Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Gregory Delavekouras said, in response to ‘genocide’ remarks by Macedonia’s leader.Athens has responded critically following a recent interview with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in which he accused Greece of having waged “political genocide” against Macedonia for 20 years.

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Fule Hands Bosnian Leaders EU ‘Road Map’

The high-level dialogue between Bosnian leaders and the European Commissioner for Enlargement on June 27 in Brussels ended with the handing over of a ‘road map’ containing a list of obligations and deadlines.he head of Bosnia’s tripartite Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, Vjekoslav Bevanda, the state Prime Minister, along with prime ministers …

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Start Date For EU Talks Thrills Montenegro

All Montenegrin leaders and parties received the good news from Luxembourg about a start date for membership negotiations with joy, though they know negotiations won’t be easy.Officials in Podgorica have not disguised their joy following Tuesday’s decision of the EU General Affairs Council in Luxembourg to open membership talks with …

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Bulgaria Ruling Party Seeks Election Law Changes

The ruling centre-right GERB party is pushing for amendments to electoral legislation that could stand it in good stead in the 2013 general elections.The ruling centre-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, GERB, is pushing for new amendments to the election law that may benefit in next year’s general election.

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Bosnia’s New Coalition Changes Federation Parliament Chiefs

New parliamentary majority in the Federation entity, led by the Social Democrats, has voted to dismiss the President and Vice-President of the parliament and appoint new men.Deputies of the Social Democratic Party, SDP, the Alliance for a Better Future, SBB, the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ and its sister party HDZ …

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Inzko Asks for Compromise in Prijedor

The High Representative for Bosnia has asked Bosniak and Croat victims associations and the Bosnian Serb mayor to find a compromise which would allow a “dignified commemoration” for the families of those killed 20 years ago.Valentin Inzko visited the northern town of Prijedor on Tuesday, where he met the town’s …

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Bosnia’s PM Sacks Ministers on SDP Demand

The head of the state government has dismissed two ministers and a deputy minister, acting on the demand of the ruling Social Democrats that the Party of Democratic Action, SDA, should leave government now that their coalition is over.Bosnia’s Prime Minister, Vjekoslav Bevanda, dismissed Sadik Ahmetovic, Security Minister, Muhamed Ibrahimovic, …

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Heirs of Serbia’s WW2 Leader Seek Return of Property

As the descendants of Milan Nedic, leader of a Nazi-backed puppet government, request restitution of his property, historians remain split over his role in history.Descendents of Milan Nedic, leader of a Nazi-backed puppet government in Serbia during World War II, have filed a claim to the Serbian agency for the …

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