Eurasia News

Hague Prosector Serge Brammertz visits Serbia

Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will meet with Serbian officials in charge of cooperation with the court on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Brammertz met with Serbia’s Chief War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević to talk about cooperation in ongoing cases against Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić. After this visit, Brammertz …

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Council of Europe to discuss conflicts in regions of Georgia

The 122nd Ministerial of the Council of Europe will be held in Strasbourg on May 23. First Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia, Nikoloz Vashakidze, who will attend this meeting announced: “It is important that by consensus the agenda of the ministerial includes issue “On overcoming the circumstances that prevent human …

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Bulgaria welcomes new Serbian President

Bulgaria’s government has welcomed the election of the new Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic in a statement of Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov. “We welcome the election of Tomislav Nikolić as President of the Republic of Serbia and congratulate the Serbian people

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Germany and France pledge to support Greece

Germany and France pledged Monday to do whatever was needed to keep Greece in the eurozone, as political turmoil in the debt-wracked country threatens to force it out of the club. “We agreed that we have to do everything to keep Greece in the euro club,” Schaeuble told a joint …

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New Serbian President says it will keep direction towards EU

Newly elected President of Serbia, 60 years-old Tomislav Nikolic, vowed to keep Belgrade on its path to Brussels. “Serbia will not turn away from the European path,” said the leader of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), now the country’s biggest after the May 6 parliamentary and first-round presidential elections. However, …

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