Eurasia News

German Finance Minister does not exclude another Greek agreement

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said that Greece can achieve the goal of decreasing debt to 120.5% of the GDP in 2020, but the need of third rescue package for the debt-stricken country cannot be excluded. “No one can now exclude the possibility for Greece to need a third bailout …

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US senator makes lobby for Bosnia, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro NATO accession

U.S. Republican Senator Richard Lugar has introduced the NATO Enlargement Bill, calling on President Obama to provide “a clear roadmap” for the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro to NATO at the Chicago summit in late May.

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EU starts new discussion with Skopje

The Brussels-Skopje dialogue is not intended at bypassing Greece’s continued blockade of the country’s EU membership talks but at keeping alive the momentum for reform until the problem with Greece is solved. The first talks start this Thursday in Skopje between teams led by the EU’s enlargement commissioner, Stefan Fuele, …

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Germany calls on Greece to tighten border controls

Germany and Austria called on Greece on Thursday to tighten immigration controls, saying that other countries in the European Union may be forced to reinstate border checks if Athens did not act. A group of seven EU ministers of justice and home affairs urged Greece to improve border controls using …

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