Eurasia News

Little chances of progress in talks on Bulgaria, Romania’s Schengen entry

Little movement is expected in a discussion on Bulgaria’s and Romania’s application to join the Schengen area during next week’s meeting of the European Union’s interior ministers. The Dutch government wants to wait for an interim report by the European Commission (EC) in February before lifting its objections. The government …

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Georgian President says European integration is the only way for the country

Georgian President sees no alternative to the European Development of Georgia. “For Georgia, Europe is a family, we strive for a long time as one of the oldest European nations,” – said during a speech at the 20th Congress of the European People’s Party in Marseille Mikhail Saakashvili, president of …

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Bosnia’s Croats say the Bosniaks are responsible for political situation

After Croat parties say they offered major concessions to help form a state government, Social Democrat leader says demands to form Croat entity have worsened the political climate. Croat and Bosniak [Muslim] parties in Bosnia have accused one another of blocking the formation of a state government 14 months after …

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