Eurasia News

KFOR removes barricade in Northern Kosovo

KFOR soldiers this morning used an armored vehicle “to move a barricade” set up in the village of Jagnjenica, near the town of Zubin Porok, said reports. After this action by the members of the NATO forces in Kosovo, sirens were heard alerting the population of this Serb region in …

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EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus meets Armenian President

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received today EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, Ambassador Philippe Lefort. The interlocutors discussed issues related to Armenia’s cooperation with the European Union and the settlement of regional conflicts.

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Romania and Armenia pledge to boost ties

Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandyan has met visiting Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Theodore Bakonski on a recent visit to Armenia. Nalbandyan said that the traditional friendship between the two countries created a favourable ground for the further

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Turkey offered to open ports for Cyprus

Turkey offered to bow to EU demands and open its ports, airports and airspace to Greek Cyprus under what it called a “Taiwanese-style” diplomatic arrangement to help drive Cyprus reunification talks resuming on Monday under UN pressure for a breakthrough.

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EU demands on Kosovo turn Serbs against joining the block

Support for EU membership has hit an all-time low in Serbia as the public recoils from Brussels’ demands to resolve differences with Kosovo. In a referendum on joining the EU, 44.5 per cent would support membership while one-third would be against it, latest research from the government shows. This is …

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Hague court to announce decision on Macedonia’s lawsuit against Greece in early December

The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 5 will deliver its judgement in Macedonia’s case against Greece for breaching the 1995 Bilateral Interim Accord by blocking country’s accession to NATO at a summit in Bucharest in 2008.

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Serbian President meets EC President Herman Van Rompuy

Serbian President Boris Tadić conferred Friday in Brussels with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy. Van Rompuy expressed satisfaction over the progress made in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue but also pointed out the importance of the implementation of the agreements that had already been agreed.

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