Eurasia News

Romanian Government approves US missile defense system

Romania’s government has approved a draft law allowing the stationing of elements of the US and NATO missile defense system in Europe at a Romanian air base. The legislation in question permits the building of an anti-ballistic interceptor site at the Deveselu Air Base located in Southwestern Romania, less than …

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Serbian President called on Kosovo Serb leaders to act in citizens interest

He also called on northern Kosovo Serb leaders to make decisions that are in citizens’ best interest. “I demand from KFOR and EULEX to restrain themselves from the use of force and from local leaders to make decisions that are exclusively in the vital interest of our people in Kosovo …

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Customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will expand to include Montenegro and Serbia

Russian Minister for Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu says the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will expand to include Montenegro and Serbia. The two are the only states in the region which Moscow has free trade agreements with, the minister said in Podgorica on Wednesday. “This will be an …

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OSCE South Caucasus Freedom of the Media conference kicks off in Georgia

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, will kick off the 8th OSCE South Caucasus media conference in Tbilisi Marriott Hotel that will bring together over 70 journalists, representatives of non-governmental media organizations and officials from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The participants of the 2-day event will …

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Reprezentantul Rusiei pentru problematica Transnistriei discuta cu secretarul de stat pentru afaceri europene Bogdan Aurescu

Reprezentantul special al Federaţiei Ruse pe problematica transnistreană, Serghei Gubarev, are de marţi, la Bucureşti, consultări cu secretarului de stat pentru afaceri europene Bogdan Aurescu. Traian Băsescu a reiterat, în urmă cu aproximativ o săptămână, la Adunarea Parlamentară

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Greece paralysed by two-days general strike

A two-day general strike, which will practically paralyze the whole country, will be launched in Greece on Wednesday. The Civil Servants’ Confederation ADEDY representatives explained that workers in Greece could not live on their monthly wages any more, for which

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