Eurasia News

Serbian President to visit to Bosnia on Wednesday

Serbian President Boris Tadic departs on an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday. This is Tadic’s first visit to Sarajevo. He will meet with the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Nebojsa Radmanovic, Bakir Izetbegovic and Zeljko Komsic – and with parliament and government officials.

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Ukrainian FM will visit Moldova to discuss border demarcation

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Konstantin Grishchenko will pay a visit to Moldova on July 7. The program of the visit includes meetings with Moldova’s Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca, Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Head of Parliament and Acting President of Moldova Marian Lupu. The Ukrainian official will give a news conference …

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Catherine Ashton praises Kosovo-Serbia agreement

The EU chief of foreign policy tells Kosovo’s Hashim Thaci that the recent agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia should be put into practice as soon as possible. Two days after Kosovo and Serbia reached an agreement on some working issues through EU mediation, Catherine Ashton praised Kosovo reaching the …

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NATO, Russia discussed anti-missile shield in Europe

NATO is ready to cooperate with Russia on the missile shield issue but there is much to be resolved, Alliance Secretary-General Anders Fog Rasmussen has stated at a NATO-Russia Council meeting, where the two sides again failed to agree on a joint missile defense system in Europe.

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Serbia asys relations with neighbors are very important

Good neighborly relations are a guarantee of security and that’s why the EU has a right to insist on them, said Dragoljub Micunovic, chairman of the political council of the governing Democratic Party and chairman of parliamentary committee for foreign affairs. “This should be a priority in the country’s foreign policy …

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Moldova’s Parliament convenes tomorrow

Moldova’s legislative body’s sitting interrupted on June 24 will continue on July 5, the Parliament’s press service has informed. The agenda of the sitting includes 12 items. Among them is the bill on the import of certain goods, the bill concerning

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NATO speră să ajungă la un acord cu Rusia în 2012

NATO speră că va atinge un consens cu Rusia în privinţa creării unui sistem de apărarea antirachetă la următorul summit al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, care se va desfăşura în mai 2012 la Chicago, a declarat luni secretarul general al organizaţiei, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. 

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Mladic refused to enter a plea to charges of genocide

Wartime Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic on Monday, refused to enter a plea to charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity and was removed from the courtroom for unruly behavior. It was his second appearance before the United Nations war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. According …

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