Eurasia News

Catherine Ashton: Mladic’s arrest provides dialog opportunities

Ratko Mladic’s arrest has provided opportunities for a dialog, which should replace the bloodsheds in the Balkans, said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. “Mladic’s arrest is important because of two reasons. First of all, it is a message to all mass murderers that the world will not put up …

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Mladic to appear in court on July 4

Wartime Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic will appear again before a UN court on July 4, when he will be required to enter a plea to genocide and war crimes charges. He refused to enter a plea to genocide and war crimes charges in a UN court on Friday, …

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Mladic: I do not defend myself but my country and my nation

War crimes suspect Ratko Mladic appeared before the UN war crimes court in the Hague for the first time on Friday, telling judges that he is a “gravely ill man”. “I defended my country and my people,” Mladic said defiantly at the end of Friday’s initial hearing. He repeated

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Mladic will not be indicted for Croatia crimes

Serge Brammertz, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, has said that his office does not plan to expand the indictment against Mladic to include crimes committed in Croatia allegedly by troops under his command, including killings in Skabrnja in November 1991.

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Serbia looks for “unconventional” moves in policy toward Kosovo

Serbian President Boris Tadič has said that “unconventional” moves were necessary in Serbia’s policy toward Kosovo. That would provide a chance “for a new solution”, he said. Tadić also believes that the way in which official Belgrade treated Kosovo in the past was “contrary to the interests of Serbia and …

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