Eurasia News

Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj trial will continue

The UN war crimes tribunal (ICTY) has turned down a motion for acquittal filed by Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj. In its ruling on Wednesday (May 4th), the court determined there are no grounds for halting the trial and releasing the defendant, as the prosecutors presented sufficient evidence for …

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United States congrats Croatia on EU integration progress

The US welcome Croatia’s progress in the EU integration process, Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said on Tuesday (May 3rd), after talks at the White House with Vice-President Joe Biden. Josipovic added that the main topics were bilateral relations, co-operation within NATO and fighting terrorism. He also met with Secretary of …

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Bulgaria and Croatia sign agreement on police cooperation

Bulgaria’s Council of Ministers approved a draft police cooperation agreement with Croatia, the government’s press office announced. Compared to the current intergovernmental agreement for cooperation in the fight against organised crime, illegal drug trafficking and terrorism, the document provides broader legal framework for police cooperation, expanding the scope of the …

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Belgrade team chief to visit Priština in mid-May

Head of the Belgrade negotiating team Borislav Stefanović has said he intends to visit Priština mid-May, ahead of the fourth round of the negotiations. He said that he wanted to go to Priština to meet with members of the other team and explain to the Kosovo Albanians the Belgrade view …

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