Eurasia News

EU Foreign Ministers meet to discuss strategies for Bosnia’s stability

EU foreign ministers are expected to endorse strategies for Bosnia and Herzegovina at a meeting in Brussels on Monday (21 March). The strategies are supposed to make more coherent use of existing funded programmes, but no major new money will be made available. The EU strategy for the region will …

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Romania, Moldova to Launch Gas Pipeline

Bucharest is to start construction of a new gas pipeline that will connect the country with neighbouring Moldova. The construction of the new pipeline, which is to connect the city of Iasi, in eastern Romania, with Ungheni in Moldova, is set to start by the end of the year. The …

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for speedy resolution over name of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for a speedy, effective and mutually acceptable resolution of the long-running dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia over the latter country’s name, saying he was encouraged by recent steps taken by the two sides. 

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Macedonian FM Antonio Milošoski met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Milošoski met with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon late last evening. The two of them have discussed the naming dialogue between Greece and Macedonia and the latter’s application for UN Human Rights Council among other topics. Milošoski also presented the case …

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EU Envoy Miroslav Lajcak visits Bosnia to discuss about referendum

On the second day of his visit to Bosnia, EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak will meet Serb officials and address a controversial referendum on cooperation with the state court. Lajcak, an envoy of EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, spoke with Croat and Bosniak leaders on Thursday and urged the rapid …

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Belgrade court upholds Vujanovic’s sentence

The Appeals Court in Belgrade upheld on Wednesday the 20-year sentence given to former deputy commander of Serb forces in Vukovar, Stanko Vujanovic, for war crimes against Croat military prisoners of war. Vujanovic was convicted of participating in the November 1991 murder of an estimated 200 Croats at the Ovcara …

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The head of the EU delegation in Albania, Ettore Sequi: Albania’s EU membership requires reforms, free elections

The head of the EU delegation in Albania, Ettore Sequi, said on Wednesday that Albania needs to commit to reforms in order to move ahead in its EU integration bid. “For Albania to become an EU member, it

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