Eurasia News

European integration is Macedonia’s priority, parliament speaker Trajko Veljanovski said

European integration is Macedonia’s priority, said Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanovski at a conference in Brussels. “Macedonia’s priority is the successful completion of the European integration process and gradual reaching of the EU’s average incomes,” said Veljanovski.

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Transdnestr leader invites Moldovan PM for visit

The leader of Transdnestr, Igor Smirnov, has for the first time invited Moldovan President Vladimir Filat to visit Moldova’s breakaway republic for an official meeting, the Transdnestr Foreign Ministry reported. The ministry said Smirnov’s invitation was handed by Trandnestr Foreign Minister Vladimir Yastrebchak to Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Yevgeny Karpov …

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Bulgarian MEP Kristian Vigenin replaced Zoran Taller as the new EP rapporteur on Macedonia

Bulgarian MEP Kristian Vigenin is the new European Parliament rapporteur on Macedonia. He replaced the Slovenian Zoran Taller, who was involved in a corruption scandal and resigned from the EP. Vigenin has had a constructive approach to Macedonia and has openly supported the EU enlargement process.

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Georgia to attend activation of BLACKSEAFOR

Istanbul will begin the next activation of the Black Sea Naval Cooperation Task Group (BLACKSEAFOR) on Tuesday. Under the April activation plan of BLACKSEAFOR, the Georgian gunboat “Sukhumi” will take part in this activation for the first time since the Russian-Georgian war of 2008.

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Kosovo interim president takes over in void

Kosovo’s interim president took office Monday in a ceremony boycotted by his predecessor as the government battled to avoid new elections. Former president Behgjet Pacolli failed to show up for the ceremony handing over power to parliamentary speaker Jakup Krasniqi, with his office saying he did not consider it necessary.

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