Eurasia News

Serbian President says Kosovo solution cannot depend on Kosovo’s independence

A solution for the Serbian-Albanian conflict cannot be a scenario in which Serbia will recognize Kosovo’s independence, said Serbian President Boris Tadić. He believes that the solution must not be such that one side wins everything while the other loses everything.

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EC to deliver opinion on Serbia’s application by mid-October

The head of the EU delegation to Serbia, Vincent Degert, said on Wednesday (March 16th) that the European Commission (EC) will present its opinion on the country’s EU membership application by October 12th. Degert attended a meeting of EU ambassadors in Smederevo. EU expert missions are visiting Belgrade to assess …

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Kosovo MP Limaj questioned by EULEX about 1999 war crimes

Fatmir Limaj, an MP and former transport minister, was questioned last night by EULEX prosecutors over war crimes allegedly committed in Kosovo during the 1999 war. Limaj was questioned as part of an operation by EULEX officers and Kosovo police on Wednesday, in which they arrested twelve persons on suspicion …

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Turkey says it’s only after peace, democracy, law

Turkey’s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Thursday that Turkey had no other goal in its geography than peace, democracy and law. He said that  Turkey was not after power and domination, and it did not have different intentions.

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EULEX arrested 8 for 1999 war crimes

The EULEX police arrested on Wednesday in Kosovo eight people, while one was arrested abroad. The operation came in connection with the investigation into war crimes against Kosovo Serbs and Albanians committed in 1999, the EU mission in Kosovo said.

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Turkish PM: the relations with Russia are expanding into new areas

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that relations between Turkey and Russia are swiftly improving, based as they are on deep roots that extend back decades. “Turkish-Russian relations dating back to long ago are taking confident steps toward the future, diversifying into the fields of economy, politics, military …

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