Eurasia News

Kosovo’s election results to be published next week

The Central Election Commission (CEC) will not publish the final results of the December 12th general elections before the end of next week as the majority of polling stations are undergoing a recount. Chief Executive of the CEC Secretariat Xhemajl Peqani said on Monday (December 20th) that based on the …

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Dick Marty: an investigation is in Hashim Thaci’s interest

It is in Kosovo’s interest to reveal the truth about the contraband of human organs, says Swiss politician Dick Marty, the author of the scandalous report about illegal trade in human organs in Kosovo and Albania. “It is in Hashim Thaci’s interest for the truth to triumph,” Marty said.

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EULEX asks CoE Rapporteur Marty to provide evidence

EULEX has asked Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur Dick Marty to send all the evidence he has to EU prosecutors in Priština. EULEX has sent a letter to Mr. Marty where he is encouraged to provide the prosecutorial authorities within EULEX with any information or evidence that could shed …

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Serbian Minister: EULEX should assume responsibility for the Kosovo organ trade

Serbian Minister of Labor Rasim Ljajić said in Strasbourg in Monday that the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, should assume responsibility for the Kosovo organ trade. The chairman of the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal said that EULEX should also process as soon as possible the

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Albanian Interior Minister Basha denies involvement in criminal activities

Interior Minister Lulzim Basha insisted on Sunday (December 19th) that he played no part in investigations led by UNMIK into the so-called “Yellow House” in northern Albania. Basha’s name was mentioned by the former UNMIK official in charge of missing persons, Jose Pablo Baraybar, who said Basha served as a …

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Serbian President: Kosovo will be viewed differently after crimes report

Serbian President Boris Tadić believes that the international community will see the Kosovo problem with different eyes after a report on crimes committed against Serbs. “Serbia has been waiting for years in front of international institutions for a report like this” Tadić said. 

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Moldova: Constitutional Court to pronounce on election results on Dec. 24

In Moldova, the Central Election Commission (CEC) on December 20 submitted the report on the final results of the November 28 early legislative elections following the vote recount performed on December 15 to the Constitutional Court. The Court is to pass judgment in its December 24 meeting. The Court will …

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