Eurasia News

OSCE-Astana: Basescu a cerut solutionarea conflictului din Transnistria

Traian Băsescu a militat miercuri, la Summitul OSCE, pentru soluţionarea conflictului din Transnistria şi pentru respectarea legislaţiei internaţionale privind staţionarea trupelor străine doar cu acordul statului-gazdă, precizând că acestea reprezintă o prioritate politică pentru România şi că singura metodă de rezolvare a conflictului rămâne dialogul deschis. De asemenea, aşa cum …

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New BiH parliament holds first session

The House of Representatives of the central parliament held its first session Tuesday (November 30th) since the October 3rd general elections. The chamber is composed of 42 lawmakers — 28 from the Federation of BiH and 14 from Republika Srpska. The Social Democratic Party, which emerged as the most popular …

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EU-Macedonia committee recommends starting accession talks

The EU-Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee ended its two-day meeting in Brussels on Tuesday (November 30th) recommending the start of EU accession talks with Macedonia as soon as possible. The committee praised the country’s progress in the economic sector and cited progress in advancing political dialogue. The committee urged all political …

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Serbian government has adopted a strategy for negotiations with Pristina

The Serbian government has adopted a strategy for negotiations with Pristina. Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said the strategy covered all disputable issues and was in coordination with Serbia’s state policy. According to informal reports only experts will be included in the talks. The dialog will be led by a …

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EU urges Moldovans to break political stalemate

Moldova’s political leaders should break the political stalemate which has gripped the country by working together to name a new president, European Union officials said Tuesday. EU foreign policy chief and enlargement commissioner Stefan Fule, in a statement called for ‘open and constructive dialogue paving the way for the formation …

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No date for visa liberalization for Kosovo

European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek said in Priština yesterday that the EU had not set any official date when visas for Kosovo would be lifted. The statement was Lunacek’s reaction to Hashim Thaci’s recent comment that, if he were reelected as prime minister, the EU would

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