Eurasia News

Barroso: Romania needs to speed up judicial reforms

José Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president, has advised Romania to speed up efforts to reform its judiciary system and combat corruption if it wants to join the EU’s border-free Schengen area. Speaking to the press following a meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu

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EC to announce report on Macedonia’s progress

The European Commission is to announce the report on Macedonia’s progress. The country is expected to receive a positive report, but no starting date for accession negotiations due to the name dispute with Greece. The report will probably note that the country complies with the political criteria, but has to …

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Democratic League of Kosovo gets new leader

Priština Mayor Isa Mustafa was appointed new president of the Democratic League of Kosovo at the party’s 7th election assembly on Sunday. Mustafa won by 235 of the total 395 votes, while the other party president candidate, Fatmir Sejdiju earned 124 assembly delegate votes. 

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Romania and Moldova signed a border cooperation treaty

Romania and Moldova signed a border cooperation treaty yesterday. The treaty was signed by Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi and Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat in Bucharest on the sidelines of the regional Danube Summit. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso announced the plans to sign the treaty earlier …

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EC to urge Turkey to normalise ties with Cyprus, boost human rights

The European Commission (EC) will urge Turkey to normalise ties with Cyprus and boost human rights’ protections in its progress report on the country’s EU bid, local media reported on Sunday (November 7th). According to an advance copy of the document, due for release Tuesday, the Commission will call on …

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