Eurasia News

Macedonia readies for South Stream

Macedonia is ready to join its energy partners in Russia as a transit nation for the South Stream natural gas pipeline, the country’s prime minister said. Macedonia Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov said during a meeting in Kiev that his country was ready to set the stage to host the Russian …

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Tadić apologizes during Vukovar, Croatia visit

Serbian and Croatian presidents Boris Tadić and Ivo Josipović have placed wreaths for Croat victims in Ovčara, near Vukovar. The two are later expected to visit a memorial for Serb civilians killed in the town of Paulin Dvor. Both towns saw executions of prisoners and civilians during the war in 1991.

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Serbia’s former Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic: Pristina tries to avoid talks with Belgrade

Serbia’s former foreign minister Vuk Draskovic said that Pristina has been trying to avoid talks with Belgrade for a long time and this is also the motive of Prime Minister Hashim Thaci’s decision to dismiss the government and call early elections. “The Albanians are surprised and they are not happy …

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Karadžić trial suspended

The Hague Tribunal trial of Radovan Karadžić has been suspended for one month, said reports. This came as the defense asked for time to review documents that were disclosed late by the prosecution. The trial chamber noted that this tardiness could have a negative impact on the trial’s expediency, and …

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Serbian Foreign Minister: Serbia continues to support RS

Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said Wednesday in Banja Luka that Serbia will continue to support Bosnia’s Serb republic (RS) and its leadership. Jeremić was in Banja Luka to congratulate the newly elected RS President Milorad Dodik. Jeremić and Dodik discussed the situation in the region, RS and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbia supports …

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Serbian President to visit Croatia

Serbian President Boris Tadic will visit the eastern Croatian town of Vukovar on Thursday (November 4th), the first Serbian head of state to do so. Tadic and his Croatian counterpart Ivo Josipovic will pay their respects to victims of the 1991-1995 war in Croatia. They will first lay wreaths at …

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