Eurasia News

Czech FM visit Serbia

Foreign ministers of Serbia and the Czech Republic, Vuk Jeremić and Karel Schwarzenberg, met on Tuesday in Belgrade. They said that the Council of the EU decision to allow Serbia to move forward with its EU integration

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OSCE to assess Moldova’s electoral legislation amendments

A mission of observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR/OSCE) will assess the amendments to the Electoral Code, which were introduced recently by the Moldovan Parliament, and their practical application.

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EU hails Moldova progress and urges visa liberalization

The European Parliament has welcomed the latest moves by Moldova to improve relations with the EU and the country’s willingness to seek a solution to the Transnistrian issue. In a resolution adopted on 21 October, MEPs call for a more

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Polish President in visit to Romania

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski is paying a one day official visit to Romania where he is having talks with Romanian President Traian Basescu. One of the points of President Komorowski’s visit to Bucharest includes the signing

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